Hi , im a newbie

Hi everyone :smile:

Im a newbie i have never tryed this site before but i figured anything is worth a go once , i recently lost 14lbs on WW but then i got a bit complacent fell off the wagon and im now up a few lbs so i need to get those off plus some , so here i am i plan on getting the phone app so i can keep on top of the calorie counting so hopefully that should help :)

I look forward to getting to know everyone more




  • luvinlaurakate
    luvinlaurakate Posts: 145 Member
    Welcome! I'm new too, only been here a week, but I already have found it to be a huge help in keeping track of what I am taking in! Good luck!
  • treezuk
    That's great news laurakate its not an easy thing to do i wish you lots of luck hun feel free to add me as a friend I look forward to watching your progress xxx
  • KazziaLlewellynn
    KazziaLlewellynn Posts: 127 Member
    I love it. I've been here half a week. And the logging and knowing how much was really in what I've been eating has helped alot. I'm down 3 pounds. I love the fact that everyone supports you. We all have the same goal.
  • treezuk
    Thanks Kazzia its great to hear its working or so many people i am liking it already and i only started today , ive got the phone app to which is fab cos i get limited time online with my son so the fact i can track while sitting down or at the shops is great hopefully it will help me to plan meals to , and i can already see what im lacking in which is good to :) i look forward to chatting to you more xxx
  • mjativa
    mjativa Posts: 46 Member
    welcome to MFP! it really does help!
  • BigIrishGuy
    Welcome Treez, MFP is great, really good for motivation! i'm here 5 weeks and loving it!
  • normsch
    Hello there,
    I've only been here a week as well, and I found this to be very helpful. When you actually see what
    you have been eating, it really does surprise you. Best of luck in losing the weight that you want to.
  • treezuk
    Mjavita : Thanks hun x

    Irishguy : Thanks i just looked at your ticker you have done fab in 5 weeks 2 st is great well done x

    Normsh : I have been here a day and im finding it so usefull and have already made some friends which helps to its so nice that a site like this can bring everyone together and we can all help each other in some way x
  • janinab75
    janinab75 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm new too, only been here a few days. I also started with WW, lost 20 lbs, fell off the wagon, gained 6 back. A friend has been using this site so I thought I'd try it too. I really like it so far and I like the way it's set up. Good luck! I'm noticing a lot of support and comradery here. It's great!
  • treezuk
    Thanks for the reply and add hun its so nice to be meeting so many people ww is good but I think that with every diet you get bored and that's why you fall off the wagon hopefully this time as its more about counting cls not points it might make a differemce that's the plan anyways gd luck to you hun xxx