

  • Welcome to the site! As of late, I've found the most filling meal I make is a red curry with rice noodles and lots of vegetables. For veggie snacks -- kale chips (baked or dehydrated) are pretty good, but you'll want to brush your teeth afterwards if you're going to be talking with people. Freeze-dried sweet corn or…
  • Cran-Aid herbal tea is helpful. If you have frozen cranberries you can make a light smoothie if you can handle the tart.
  • I really enjoyed the show. I found it ironic when I was watching it on Hulu that the commercials were for processed foods and a kids nutritional drink which is the equivalent of that sugary milk he so loathes. Have you seen the chicken nuggets experiment yet?
  • sent the recipe using MFP's inbox/mail system :smile:
  • Cliff and Luna bars can be sweet, but are marketed as energy bars -- so don't eat too many. I've got a recipe for berry pocket pies if you're interested.
  • Nuts and dried fruit will help curb the sweet tooth cravings and give you the energy needed to finish those papers. The cake and donuts will lead to a sugar crash and slow you down. You can do it!
  • Welcome! I think the friend function on this site is really helpful. You may not necessarily know the person in real life, but seeing their progress and having someone to talk to who is also on the journey to weight loss can be very motivating.
    in Hi i am new Comment by bunnigun May 2010
  • I grew up in the South, so I know how hard it can be to kick the sweet tea habit. That was until I moved to the Mid-West and got used to over-brewed Lipton with no sugar (the college cafe's tea). Sweet'n'low and Equal are chemical alternatives to sugar. Honey has a lot of benefits besides being a natural sweetener. I drink…
  • I haven't, but I'll shall take a look around. Thanks! :smile:
    in Hello Comment by bunnigun May 2010
  • Just joined and would like to be your friend, too!
  • Feel free to add me ...always looking for new friends and more support! Especially someone else who has PCOS. Best of luck!
    in Hi! Comment by bunnigun May 2010