unsweet tea ??

seemego Posts: 10
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
i love unsweet tea, with 2 packs of sweet n low plus a wedge of lemon, how bad is this, can i drink it about all day without worrying or it bad to keep u from loosing, also, i'm a nasty coffee drinker, again with just sweet n low, my tea i make myself from tetley, wanda


  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member
    You might want to watch the caffiene. But I think the sweet-n-low is bad. Aspartame is a nasty chemical!!! I believe it to be dangerous.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    two things, remember that caffeine is a dehydrator and lemon is a natural dieuretic so you want to get some water in there too. I am not a fan of artificial sweetners so I would consider how many sweet n lows are you using each day because there have been many links to weight gain, joint problems, headaches etc from artificial sweetners.

    And of course, remember everything in moderation!
  • I love love love tea, and I been drinking the Lipton Green Tea with Citrus, that has 60 calories per serving. Today at the store I just got regular ice tea with honey and lemon and that has 0 calories. I agree I wouldn't take too much of the Sweet n Low either.
  • seemego
    seemego Posts: 10
    do you think that maybe honey would take the place of sweet n low for both items, has it got sugar in it, i haven't checked, how do you thank that would taste? i just hate to give up my tea nd i don't muck like it if its not just a little bit sweet, any other ideas, i'm opened for any.
  • MomBo
    MomBo Posts: 24 Member
    When a question I refer to my trusted google....

    The benefits of honey go beyond its great taste. A great natural source of carbohydrates which provide strength and energy to our bodies, honey is known for its effectiveness in instantly boosting the performance, endurance and reduce muscle fatigue of athletes. Its natural fruit sugars play an important role in preventing fatigue during exercise. The glucose in honey is absorbed by the body quickly and gives an immediate energy boost, while the fructose is absorbed more slowly providing sustained energy. It is known that honey has also been found to keep levels of blood sugar fairly constant compared to other types of sugar.

    Which is all good to know...think I will find my honey...know it is somewhere on my shelves.....:smile:

    One thing about caffeine...it gives one a lift by increasing adrenaline which then lowers your blood sugar leaving one with cravings...actually an increase in appetite. I have one cup of coffee in the morning (soooo neeeeed it), then pretty well go decaf or herbal.... I've taken to drinking things black...took a while, but don't miss it too much. Heck, since on MPF, spend a good share of my time chugging water!!! :happy:
  • bunnigun
    bunnigun Posts: 12
    I grew up in the South, so I know how hard it can be to kick the sweet tea habit. That was until I moved to the Mid-West and got used to over-brewed Lipton with no sugar (the college cafe's tea).

    Sweet'n'low and Equal are chemical alternatives to sugar.
    Honey has a lot of benefits besides being a natural sweetener. I drink a "tea" that's mixture of honey and cinnamon with hot water - it's yummy and simple.
    Have you tried Stevia? I've used it in liquid form -- just a few drops makes anything a whole lot sweeter! I know there's a company that's currently marketing a crystalized version of it (Truvia? I think.... I haven't tried it, yet).
  • seemego
    seemego Posts: 10
    Thanks, MomBo, google is great, didn't think of it. it made honey sound pretty good, think i'll try this in my tea and coffee.
    bunnigun, don't you just that tea is our drink, i live in tn so it is on our table everyday, i do drink my coffee black so honey may work for it... i will not give up my tea, it is my soulmate, but i might just give up my sweet n low...wanda
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    do you think that maybe honey would take the place of sweet n low for both items, has it got sugar in it, i haven't checked, how do you thank that would taste? i just hate to give up my tea nd i don't muck like it if its not just a little bit sweet, any other ideas, i'm opened for any.

    Honey has many benefits, IT IS SUGAR, honey and sugar have the same caloric value, 15 calories per teaspoon, and you body recognizes both as sugar. Honey helps with allergies but going from sweet n low to honey may take some trial and error. If you like the taste of honey it wont take too long to get used to. Also, ounce for ounce honey is about 8-10x more expensive than regular sugar, but since you have been buying sweet n low it may not be a big difference budget wise.
    Making the choice to go to ANY natural sugar over an artificial is a great step toward being a healthier you! :drinker:
  • cpenn1980
    cpenn1980 Posts: 22
    So what about decaffineated green tea, straight, no sweetner? Could this count towards your water intake? I know caffiene is a dieuretic but is the tea itself also a dieuretic?
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    My opinion is that it's fine in moderation.... don't think you should be drinking gallons of it every single day, but a glass or two (or even 3) will probably be just fine.

    Everybody will feel different on this subject, do what you feel okay with - if you're not having any problems and your doctor hasn't advised you to avoid caffeine or artificial sweeteners then I wouldn't worry about it.

    Yes - I'm aware that both are not necessarily "good for you" - but I personally don't care and feel that in moderation they're fine for me.
  • belldandy1
    belldandy1 Posts: 264 Member
    If you want to make that super healthy try green tea iced tea with honey. Green tea is super healthy and less caffeine than other teas. I have read a ton of studies where green tea was proven to aid weight loss, including a higher percentage of visceral fat. If you don't like the taste of green tea you could try half orange pekoe (or whatever you are already using) and green tea. Just a thought.
  • cpenn1980
    cpenn1980 Posts: 22
    I actually really love the taste of green tea, no need to sweeten with honey, unless I take it hot.
  • I'm a BIG tea drinker, especially in the summertime. I can drink 48 ounces in one sitting!! Tea can replace water and can even be better for quenching thirst but it really depends on what tea you're drinking. Green tea is excellent for weight loss and has been shown to accelerate burning fat calories.

    If you have to sweeten your tea, try stevia (like Truvia) instead of asparteme. Personally, I prefer most of my teas without sugar ... Rooibos tea has a natural light sweetness to it.

    You can get more info about the benefits of drinking tea at Adiago Teas (http://www.adagio.com/info/health_benefits.html?SID=c3f5ae41db4e5cb0025a85fbbe791038). I order my teas from them.
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