tlark88 Member


  • I used to binge all the time. I would get home and no one would be there, I'd be lonely so I would eat. Or I would be happy that I did good on an exam so I would eat. Or I would have an emotion so I would eat. Even though I started my weight loss journey almost a year ago, I still have cravings. I still get that empty…
  • Great Job!!!
  • Thanks for all the replies! I really only wanted a thigh gap because I remembered a time where I didn't throw away my pants because they had two huge holes where my thighs were rubbing together. I do have a body fat goal of 21% to people who were telling me that I should focus on numbers. I posted the topic because I…
    in Thigh Gap Comment by tlark88 July 2013
  • I know the same thing happened to me! I was just relaxing and then next second a mouthful of water!
  • You look so amazing, great job! :D
  • Hi! I'm 24, 5' 5.5" and 175.6lbs. I don't have a goal muscle mass but my goal body fat is 21%. I picked it because its in the health (still having your period) range (20-25%) and I've read a few studies stating its the ideal body fat percentage for fertility. I've lost about 4-5% body fat as well and I'm currently sitting…
  • I have exercise induced asthma. I take my inhaler (2 puffs of albuterol) 15 minutes before I exercise and I drink 2 glasses of water before working out to thin out the mucus a little bit. If I do that I don't have any sypmtoms. I've lost almost 30 pounds, but I still have symptoms every time I try to exercise without my…