Just found out I'm expecting! Add me
Had to poop off the back of a row boat, couldn't make it back to the dock.
I would prefer to maintain weight but turn it to muscle. The issue I'm having is with muscle loss. My muscle began to deteriorate and when I finished the treatments I packed on weight really quickly so, I researched it and found that I wasn't the only patient this had happened to. Some patients relate it to the medication.…
OK.. Well, maybe someone can help me out here :/ I need answers :# I lost a lot of muscle due to illness (cancer) I'm trying to make remission and gain my muscle back. I'm trying to figure out which amino acids to take and how much. I just started taking sprouts glutamine 500mg 2x day. Before and after workouts... :|
I agree. Awesome!
I looove this thread. Not like I want to marry it but like I enjoy it :-)
Frozen yogurt with sliced almond, a piece of dark chocolate, and whole wheat toast with natural peanut butter
Love this funny
Every mom wants to be the hot mom lol I moved.. Neighborhood sucks. I don't want to walk anywhere!
I concur
100 calorie chocolate pretzels and later a protein smoothie (protein, banana, pistachio pudding mix)
I second this.its so good.
Same here. Keep in mind I am married. I agree with the ” making him dinner” be honest but subtle. Try not to sound desperate.
I had mine taken out and am doubled over in pain if I eat badly. Gall bladder removal fixes one things but if you do not restrict what you eat or drink you can cause more problems. I now have bad reflux and painful ulcers 10 years after surgery.