

  • I've had mine a couple of weeks now and I really like it. I wear it all the time except to shower. The sleep feature is pretty cool. I do alot of "walk aerobic" dvd (Leslie Sansone) and it doesn't work as well with that type of exercise but I read about that before I purchased it. Let's say I do a 4 mile dvd it might say I…
  • Is the key changing the setting to sedentary?
  • Rainy day so I did a 4 mile walk with a Leslie Sansone dvd. It takes about 55 minutes beginning to end. Great workout for me!
  • I just got mine (fitbit) today and am trying to understand the whole thing. Any advice as to the easiest way to understand it? I've been using MFP since May and have lost 28#'s so far. I am walking or doing walking dvd's at home. I know the fitbit won't accurately register those steps, but it did register about 4000 steps…