A FitBit question



  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    like a lot of other ppl said, smaller than i thought. i really like the weekly stats email you get. it tells you your total calories burned, miles walked, stairs climbed etc and whether that was in increase or decrease from last week. i just find it motivating overall, like when i get close to my daily goal up 10 flights of stairs or so many steps, i find myself going that extra little bit to meet the goal when otherwise i would never give it a thought. only 2 times i can remember there being synching problems but that's all.

    "@5babs - those are pretty much my other questions. Another is: does it automatically guess how many calories you've burned, based on the pedometer part and your stats? Or does everything have to be manually logged? If anyone could expand on this part of the device, that would be great :) " - on the fitbit site you also have your gender, age, weight and height like on here so your estimated calorie burn is based on that. it's been farily accurate for me, but i would like to get a heart rate monitor for things like my circuit training DVDs because there is less movement so my calorie burn on the fitbit is lower than i think it really is. the fitbit doesn't factor in your intensity.

    All devices, even an HRM, estimate the calorie burn based upon your stats. For exercise an HRM is going to be the most accurate and even then not 100%.
  • jamtown
    I've had mine a couple of weeks now and I really like it. I wear it all the time except to shower. The sleep feature is pretty cool. I do alot of "walk aerobic" dvd (Leslie Sansone) and it doesn't work as well with that type of exercise but I read about that before I purchased it. Let's say I do a 4 mile dvd it might say I did half the distance or so, but I'm ok with that because the time records my activity and by the end of the day I am over the 10,000 steps anyway. I would recommend the fitbit to anyone.
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    Had mine only a few days but it is keeping me motivated! I love it so far and it synced right up with MFP with no problem at all! :) Only thing is, I go to the YMCA to work out and I do not use it on the machines because the machines take into account age, weight, resistance and incline and gives a more accurate calorie burn. The Fitbit is great for wearing around the house, cleaning and going for walks, a.malls, grocery stores and such. It tracks all calories by steps. It also made me run up and down my stairs this evening because I was short in my stair goal. lol MOTIVATION! :)
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    BTW... I have myself set as sedentary because the Fit tracks EVERYTHING you do so your activity being set at active and such will make the Fitbit pointless. You will be consuming way more calories than you should be I would think, because MFP is allowing you extra calories because you are active and the Fitbit is giving you more as you go through your day. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    The range of the sync to docking station would have been nice to know (but had I done better research I may have figured it out.) Not a breaking point, would've bought it anyway. Having a docking station kind of stinks, but then it has grown on me.

    Figuring out the best place to wear it was the worst, I am still not positive I am getting the most accurate results but it is LOADS more accurate than a lot of the lower priced pedometers out there (plus it sends me love messages when I pick it up! BONUS!)

    I feel naked when I don't have it. I panic if I can't feel it when I do a FitBit check (yes, I do those almost unconsciously now.)

    The wrist band for sleeping/tracking your sleep us useless. Snap it to an article of your clothing, hit the GO button, and it logs your sleep anyway- the wristband was a pain in my rump, and it made me hyperaware of being monitored. Logical, no, sleepless nights? yes, lol.

    They say you shouldn't get it wet, and I've had 2 very close calls. (Been halfway down river belly down on an inner-tube with it attached to my swimsuit strap. Oops!) I've abused the crap out of my poor FitBit and it hasn't disappointed me yet.

    Battery life is NOT disappointing, there are eBadges to complete to keep you motivated, it logs multiple "Activities," you do NOT need to sync every day as it can hold quite a lot (30 days if I recall right,) it syncs with MFP and gets you a good estimated calorie burn - however it isn't as good as a HRM on calorie tracking. If you are looking for calorie count accuracy invest in a solid HRM - do not skip the FitBit based on calorie monitoring, include it as another tool. I use both when I do my workout walking or treadmill time.

    Oh, a con. It asks for your stride length (to gauge what your step distance is for the day.) They do NOT actually want your stride (left toe to left heel) they are asking for your step (left toe to right heel) So you will have to go to a flat place, go for a walk at your usual pace and then measure that out. It is not a deal breaker for me.

    I would LOVE to have it sync to my phone's android app for FitBit- yes they have a FitBit app, but its just a tracker- you can't sync with it. No bluetooth :( That would make it -amazing- for me, lol :)
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I LOVE my fitbit. I will warn you that you may find yourself exhibting strange behavior such as walking out of your way to add extra steps or stairs.

    ^^ This. True story. I walked UP and AROUND the ramps of a parking garage today instead of taking the stairs up to the 2nd floor because I was behind on my step count for the day. Hubby thought I lost my mind. Maybe I have :laugh:
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    Mine's new and the only problem I'm having is that it registers a LOT of steps when I'm driving. The roads are bumpy and the suspension on my car isn't the greatest, so I'll wind up with a couple hundred extra steps from a car ride. Once I even got five extra flights of stairs due to an underpass. Is there any way around this?
  • s50s
    s50s Posts: 138 Member
  • Crosbinium
    Crosbinium Posts: 415 Member
    Mine's new and the only problem I'm having is that it registers a LOT of steps when I'm driving. The roads are bumpy and the suspension on my car isn't the greatest, so I'll wind up with a couple hundred extra steps from a car ride. Once I even got five extra flights of stairs due to an underpass. Is there any way around this?

    Use the timer feature and record it as driving,
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member

    Because it is so new, here's what I haven't figured out yet. I wear mine to work and at the end of the day, I've walked 3+ miles and burned 1000+ calories. I believe the 3 mile part but not the 1000+ calories. If i went for a walk and walked 2 mph, I would NOT burn 1000 calories. So I'm not sure how the FitBit calculates the calories. Is it including the calories I burn just for being alive? If so, isn't MFP already using that info when it calculates how many calories I get to eat each day? I haven't had a chance to figure it out yet.
    I too am new to Fitbit. Mine arrived 3 days ago. Love the size and the fact that I can secure it pretty well anywhere on my person. Have checked it with a friend's Garmin and the distance is dead on. But I too question the calorie count.
  • loumaag
    loumaag Posts: 118
    BTW... I have myself set as sedentary because the Fit tracks EVERYTHING you do so your activity being set at active and such will make the Fitbit pointless. You will be consuming way more calories than you should be I would think, because MFP is allowing you extra calories because you are active and the Fitbit is giving you more as you go through your day. Anyone else have thoughts on this?
    Well, we bought two, one for the wife and one for me. We are in MFP as two different setups. I am sedentary, she is lightly active (she is a nurse practitioner and I sit down all day). Her FB does not adjust her exercise as much as mine does. Indeed, she has been complaining that even "forcing" a sync nothing changes unless she does a lot of extra exercise. So I think MFP takes that into account.

    To the OP: You can also "record" activity, both exercise and sleep, and then if you add the exercise in here at MFP (your exercise page changes to include a start time on MFP) it is excluded from your automatic calorie adjustment.
  • loumaag
    loumaag Posts: 118
    Mine's new and the only problem I'm having is that it registers a LOT of steps when I'm driving. The roads are bumpy and the suspension on my car isn't the greatest, so I'll wind up with a couple hundred extra steps from a car ride. Once I even got five extra flights of stairs due to an underpass. Is there any way around this?
    Since your target is 10,000 steps a day, surely a couple hundred extra steps don't matter too much.
  • rivka_m
    rivka_m Posts: 1,007 Member
    Thanks Crosbinium, I'll try that tomorrow. A couple of hundred steps each car trip adds up.
  • juli_jones
    juli_jones Posts: 101 Member
    I LOVE mine....I wear it 24/7 except when in the shower or swimming...I clip mine to the front of my bra and it seem pretty accurate. I wish I could make it water proof because I swim alot. My weight loss has slowed since getting it to around a pound a week where as I was loosing faster because I was eating more than a 500 calorie deficit - it allowes me to more closeley monitor my daily calorie intake vs burn for healthier weight loss. It is tricky to sync, but I have learned that if I refresh fitbit after plugging it in and then open mfp that it will sync ok. sometimes it takes a few minutes - it doesn't transfer instantly and I sometimes have to refresh mfp. The only other thing is that mfp doesn't post fitbit adjustments as exercise on your wall, so your friends don't know if you have exercised. I like/need the encouragement I get from my friends, so I have just started posting when I exercise - I know that sounds silly but I don't like to exercise and some of my good friends are really into their workouts.
  • juli_jones
    juli_jones Posts: 101 Member
    oh, and I just realized tonight that they sell them in the store at Best Buy as well as the aria scale....
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I love mine! Short and to the point LOVE
  • Fitness4Paul
    Fitness4Paul Posts: 166 Member
    oh, and I just realized tonight that they sell them in the store at Best Buy as well as the aria scale....

    I have the scale and the fitbit. Both are great products. I wear my fitbit everyday, I've had I since march. I just got the scale and have been impressed with it. No more writing down stats from my old scale. It just uploads everything for me. Fully automated. Love it.
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522 Member
    I like it.
    Only thing that annoys me is that when I get home from work & I don't have anywhere else to go that my activity level goes down.
    I come from work and have a decent adjustment, but at the end of the day nothing! lol.

    I usually sync in the morning, when i come home at 3pm, and when I complete my log and go to sleep.
  • AngelAtkins61
    AngelAtkins61 Posts: 52 Member
    Agree with the strange behavior! I will , on days I need to get my 10 flights finished, end my lunch time walk with the stairwell at work until I get to 10.
    I did 7 miles today using that and mapmywalk love both. Fitbit was slightly higher in how far I went but not by much.
    I am TOTALLY addicted to this little pedometer on crack as I call it LOL
    Lost mine and was in tears.. withdrawl I believe! They were awesome when I contacted them and sent me a new one :)
    Be careful if you wear it on pants, shorts etc. If they are very thin keep a close eye on it. THats how mine fell off and no one bothered to turn it in :(
    If I am hiking or unsure of what I am attatching it to I put it on my bra..