

  • Marinate large portabello tops in walnut raspberry vinegrette for a few minutes then grill until almost done. Spoon a tablespoon or two of pasta sauce on, then top with some mozzarella cheese and cook a little bit more untill its melted . So good.
    in Mushrooms Comment by ew64 May 2012
  • I prefer unsweetened tea anyway (an anomaly here in the South!), but you could try a bit of stevia to sweeten it. If there are any calories in it at all, they've used some kind of sweetener or juice. I'm pretty sure plain tea of any sort is zero calories until you add them yourself.
    in Iced Tea Recipe Comment by ew64 May 2012
  • I cut up a bunch of veggies, usually brocolli, yellow squash, zucchini, bell peppers, onions. Place in a skillet that has a lid, add a talespoon or so of water and the same amount of EVOO. Place two fresh or thawed filets on top of the veggies. Season with salt and pepper or with whatever you want to. Put the lid on and…
  • These sound absolutely yummy! I use unflavored protein powder so I might try adding a dash of vanilla extract. I may also add some ground flax seed into the mix. And to change it up a bit, instead of adding almonds on top, could just add some walnuts or pecans in the batter. I can't wait to try this. Might just have to go…
  • My go to is scrambled eggs and salsa. My favorite omelete is granny smith apples (sauteed), bacon pieces or bits, and blue cheese crumbles as the filling. Lately I've been making frittatas with brocolli, tomatos (canned drained diced), and whatever else veggie wise I have on hand. Start it on the stove top, sprinkle some…
  • I do mine with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and pine nuts. The garlic, fresh lemon juice, and parmesan sounds yummy too. Will have to try that.
  • OMG, Rush was just talking about this! I only caught the tail end of it (because I was outside in my garden!), but he was saying that government regulation of the small organic farmer was in the near future. As if they don't control enough already!
    in Farming laws? Comment by ew64 May 2012
  • I have a similar situation except mine is game night at my neighbor's house every Friday night. The menu changes but it is rarely healthy. At least I have been better lately at saying no to the alcohol. All of the above suggestions are good ones. I also sometimes try to eat a healthy snack (maybe an apple) to help me feel…
    in Oink Oink Comment by ew64 May 2012
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