i like the budget idea, my grandson is type 1 diabetic, on a pump. and this is how they had him do when he was first dia. at age 12...he had a hard time until they had him to look at it as the dollar and cent budget.
instead of saying i'm on a diet i like to say, i'm eating normal .diet sounds like we've been bad, and we're not bad, we just have moments, because every one knows that we don't get up in the morning saying, "lets see how much i can overeat today" so we only overeat at moments in our life.
Thanks, MomBo, google is great, didn't think of it. it made honey sound pretty good, think i'll try this in my tea and coffee. bunnigun, don't you just that tea is our drink, i live in tn so it is on our table everyday, i do drink my coffee black so honey may work for it... i will not give up my tea, it is my soulmate, but…
do you think that maybe honey would take the place of sweet n low for both items, has it got sugar in it, i haven't checked, how do you thank that would taste? i just hate to give up my tea nd i don't muck like it if its not just a little bit sweet, any other ideas, i'm opened for any.
going to school is great, anytime that we want to better ourselves we should, a hairdresser can may just what she puts into it, it's not like areg. job when most of the time we get paided by the hour, the more heads we do the more we make (AT MOST SHOPS) my daughters a hair dresser and does very well at it. her son got…
i'm for sure an impluse eater. in fact. i do everything on impluse,
aww, man,and this is the only type of fish i like,
thanks, i think its working, my husband just asked me if i wante to share some cann fruit with him, i said,no, because i don't want to keep gaining weight. wouldn't have realized it if i hadn't charted what i ate today,