hlg263 Member


  • 911 Police/Fire/EMS here! I've been dispatching for almost 7 years now and think I have gained close to 10 lbs a year! We do not have the desks that raise but we have a weightlifting gym we can utilize while on duty if time permits. I work a twelve hour shift and usually can make my way up there around 2 am or take a walk…
  • I mix local honey and cinnamon into mine! Yum!!!
  • This actually happened to me as well! I thought I was missing my period because of the sudden weight loss but still felt bloated. That is when I found out that weight loss can actually stimulate fertility! Who knew?! I just realized how old this post is and don't know how to delete my comment. But just in case someone out…
  • Two years ago I did the Dukan Diet which is just a fancy low-carb plan and lost close to 40 lbs in less than 3 months. I can tell you that from day 1 of that diet I looked forward to the day when I could eat carbs with no limit. I ended up losing my will and gained everything back plus an extra 10 lbs! I started MFP almost…
  • Congratulations!!! What a wonderful feeling that must be for you!!!! Keep up the great work!
  • You look amazing!!! The hair color and style is perfect on your new figure! Way to go!
  • Thank you for all of the information! I try to absorb everything I can and then find out what works for me. We have a gym where I work and it is encouraged to use it throughout our shift so I have been mulling the idea of hitting the weights. It will be a work out in itself just to pull the weight off of the bars that my…
  • Thank you ladies! I am so happy I can still eat the things I crave, I just know exactly how much I can eat now!!! It is a liberating feeling!