sksharma1011 Member


  • The way I'm going about it is by eating about half of the calories that I burn-- that way I feel that there is a calorie deficit but im still refueling my body. Another thing that really helps is setting mini-goals, having your long term goal of 30 lbs is great-- but I set goals like I will try to run 15 miles this week,…
  • Depends on how hard you think youre exerting yourself. Log it as strength training, but if you think that you deserve more calories then throw a couple minutes on. Strength training is great because it increases your metabolism for the next 36 hours, so while it looks like cardio gets the calorie burning glory-- strength…
  • It might be how you're eating your calories? I know its counter intuitive, but eating many smaller meals a day is actually better for you. I'm sure you've read how it boosts your metabolism etc, and its true. Try eating good amounts of protein, healthy fats, and stick with the exercise. I'm sure you'll see results :) p.s.…