What am I doing wrong? :(

c2jvintage Posts: 34 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Here is my ridiculous story; I am 21 years old and 5'4". I started at 170 pounds about a months ago, when I joined MFP. Got a heart rate monitor and started counting calories (1690) to lose a pound per week, After a couple weeks I was down to 165. I have been wroking out harder and more and bumped my weight loss goal to 2 pounds per week (1200 cal. per day, but always earn more for exercise). I have been active every single day and staying at or under 1200 or the amount earned from exercise. Get on the scale this morning and guess what... Back to 170 and 33% body fat!!!!!! What am I doing wrong???


  • sksharma1011
    sksharma1011 Posts: 5 Member
    It might be how you're eating your calories? I know its counter intuitive, but eating many smaller meals a day is actually better for you. I'm sure you've read how it boosts your metabolism etc, and its true. Try eating good amounts of protein, healthy fats, and stick with the exercise. I'm sure you'll see results :)

  • sharonuk10
    sharonuk10 Posts: 277
    I am just guessing but would say you are not eating enough. but I am no expert.
  • c2jvintage
    c2jvintage Posts: 34 Member
    Hmmm, I will have to try the smaller meals. I will give anything a try at this point. My goal is to be 140 by Christmas. So, we will see how it goes :) I drink a ton of water already, so I am pretty sure that is not it. Thank you for the advice! Hope it works :)
  • c2jvintage
    c2jvintage Posts: 34 Member
    I still don't understand if you are supposed to eat back part/all of the calories you burn in exercise. So too few calories could be a problem. Thanks for the advice!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Bump your goal back down to one pound a week, it was working so why stop a good thing, it's a fact that the slower the weight comes off, the more more likely you are to keep it off...it takes time.
  • sksharma1011
    sksharma1011 Posts: 5 Member
    The way I'm going about it is by eating about half of the calories that I burn-- that way I feel that there is a calorie deficit but im still refueling my body. Another thing that really helps is setting mini-goals, having your long term goal of 30 lbs is great-- but I set goals like I will try to run 15 miles this week, or I will try to go for a 20 minute walk after each meal... It keeps the fact that I'm dieting more entertaining, i suppose.
  • I didn't read all the answers to your question ... So if I'm being repetative I apaologize. You did say that you're excersising more ... Yes? Well ... How much more of that excersise is strength training? Are you doing weight lifting of one type or another 3 + times/wk? If you are the extra weight you're seeing might be muscle .... If you're with a gym just ask one of the people there, or if you're doing it on your own .... Cut down the amount of weight you're using .... And don't quote me because my gym days are a bit in the past .... Lifting heavy weights in a rep range of between 6-10 will give you size and strength, but lifting lighter weights in a rep range of between 12-20 will give you muscle tone and muscular endurance. Don't give up on the strength training either ... You need muscle to burn calories properly!

  • heatypablo
    heatypablo Posts: 221
    I've been on MFP for 50 days now and I'm a bigger girl. If I do not eat my exercise calories... all of them, I don't lose weight. It took me awhile to figure this out but through trial and error I figured it out. Also, I do not lose weight eating 1200 cals/day no matter if I eat my exercise calories or not. I aim for about 1450/day and I lose... play around with it and see what works for your body. Use MFP as a guide. :)
  • c2jvintage
    c2jvintage Posts: 34 Member
    I suppose I should knock my goal back down to 1 pound a week. Then at least maybe I can reach my weekly goal, maybe I will get lucky and lose that plus some to help get to my bigger goal! Thanks

    Mini-goals are definitely a good idea. I have mini rewards in mind for reaching my mini-goals. :)
  • c2jvintage
    c2jvintage Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the advice guys! :) I was so upset to see the scale this morning after all the hard work I have put in, I just didn't understand. I am going to plan to eat about 1500 calories a day...more if I exercise. Hopefully it will get me back on track and I will not be so discouraged! I do strength train with weights four times a week for about 45 minutes. I do cardio for 60 minutes or more 5 or 6 days a week. With my heart rate monitor I thought I was accurately counting calories I burned and it all seemed like a simple math problem, calories in calories out. I would think it would be muscle adding weight but the scale does the stupid body fat analysis which read 33% which is what I started wtih. I don't know how accurate those scales are but it sure did suck seeing that! lol
  • heatypablo
    heatypablo Posts: 221
    You're very welcome! I hope it helps... I've had your frustrations along the way. I hit plateaus and gained weight back when I flipped to losing 2lbs/week settings. Flipped back and started dropping again.

    Good luck!
  • ncqueenbee
    ncqueenbee Posts: 147 Member
    One thing I noticed you stated in your comment is that you're eating 1200 calories per day or less. You should never go below 1200 calories per day, even if you don't exercise for that day. Your body can go into starvation mode. Also, the more you exercise, the more fuel your body requires. One of the reasons for exercise is to increase your metabolism to loose weight. So, yes, eat at least some of your exercise calories, because as previously stated, the more you exercise, the more calories you need to fuel the body.

    And, like one of the other bloggers stated, go back to one pound per week. You have a better chance at keeping it off that way.

    Good luck and don't get discouraged. I can go weeks without loosing a pound, then all of a sudden start loosing again. So hang in there and stay strong.
  • rbuness
    rbuness Posts: 2
    Also don't forget muscle weighs more than fat! If your working out everyday you may just be seeing muscle weight! Keep up the hard work it will pay off.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I know its disheartening and annoying to see the numbers climb/stay the same (and it always bugs me too and I'm used to it!!), but weighing is a bit like that. Here are some reasons why your body will show a gain:

    you ate a salty (sodium) meal
    you ate something processed (which is the salt/carb also)
    you are due!
    you are ovulating
    you drank alcohol
    your body is in starvation mode
    you are constipated
    you ate more carbs than you burned (carbs not used as energy gets stored as glycogen in the muscles with 3 parts water, thats what happens before it gets stored as fat, or released as energy)
    your muscles are 'pumped' from exercise

    That's all I can think of immediately, but sure there are more.....

    Basically the body is 70% water so its weight fluctuates a LOT!!

    Don't worry, it will regulate itself and you will begin to show permanent figures. Right now, your body is just getting used to the new regime so its all over the place.

    Personally, I would stick with it for a couple more weeks. I dont really agree that 1200 cals isnt enough, but we are all different and our bodies react differently; everyone needs to experiment for themselves. Consistency and patienceis the key :drinker: 2 weeks is not enough time to assess your body, you need more like 2 months, but at least a month!

    Oh! And you should measure too!! AND keep trying on a pair of jeans that are tight on you. Just to reassure you when the scales are being a B****!!

    Good luck
  • Same things happens to me. See my blog, The Scale. Hang in there!
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    I eat 8 to 10 small meals a day high in protein low in fat an salt and about 3 to 4 protein shakes mostly water and 2 cups of coffee in the morining.

    When I'm training to get down to under 10% body fat it's 6 to 8 protein shakes and I up my protein intake and depending on how hard the workout is I eat 12 times a day. Our bodys have not caught up to the times and we store Carbs and fat, you have to train your body not to store, if your not hungry you'll burn more.

    Stay healthy
  • lushy20
    lushy20 Posts: 215 Member
    on my first week i lost a stone i wasnt eating my exercise calories unless i really needed to, where i would opt just to have a low fat yogurt at just under 100 calories.
    alot of people say that eating the extra exercise calories help but in my case i dont think its helping i started eating into them this week and weighed myself today and iv gained 2lbs.
    im not sure wether this has happened because its only been 4 days since last weigh in but i am feeling quite bloated also.
    if you were losing the weight the way u were doing it before i think you should stick to it.
    even tho it was only 1lb a week you may be losing it slower but at least you were losing and not gaining.

    good luck for what ever you decide to do. :)
  • c2jvintage
    c2jvintage Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice! I think I am going to try a couple different things and see what happens. I am gonna try to stay postive and keep trudging along! :)
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice! I think I am going to try a couple different things and see what happens. I am gonna try to stay postive and keep trudging along! :)

    YAY!! That's a brilliant attitude hun. Weight loss is nothing but a roller coaster ride, I dont know anyone that sails plainly on this sea! The main thing is you stay aboard and ride the waves...........:bigsmile: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • blakejohn
    blakejohn Posts: 1,129 Member
    Thanks for all the great advice! I think I am going to try a couple different things and see what happens. I am gonna try to stay postive and keep trudging along! :)

    YAY!! That's a brilliant attitude hun. Weight loss is nothing but a roller coaster ride, I dont know anyone that sails plainly on this sea! The main thing is you stay aboard and ride the waves...........:bigsmile: :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Now your talking this sailors language Don't forget all the great ports visits
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