

  • I agree! The heart rate monitor is based on my weight, height etc, so I record those numbers instead of MFP's numbers.
  • Feed your muscles and starve your fat! More protein, less carbs. My trainer told me that if I chose to do a very low carb or no carb diet, to increase my fat. He said it takes a certain amount of fat OR carbs for your body to process protein. (Although he did not recommend extremely low carb). He had me supplement my…
  • I have never heard of that, but I am curious to find out about it! I know what you mean! Not looking for a short cut, just need a jump start every now and then to get the weight to moving again. I hit a plateau despite all my dieting and exercise (45 minutes to and hour 5 days a week and weight training on one day!) Got…
  • Does MFP tell us somewhere if we are getting too much sodium? Keep in mind, sodium is important, especially if you sweat alot (due to exercise or working outside etc).
  • I understand completely where you are at! I direct a preschool, am a Pastors wife and a full time nursing student! I am also a stress eater, therefore gaining weight! I started July 9th and have lost 12 pounds. I cut my calories and increased my exercise! BUT I am at a stand still! That 12 pounds was over the first 6 weeks…