dbharmoneous Member


  • This was an interesting discussion, great answers to a great question. It helps to hear the myth busted by more than one individual.
  • That is on my bucket list too! I just finished my 5th half Marathon, the Windermere here in good old Spokane Washington, making my goal of under 2 hours, 1:59. I turn "50" in October and I have always wanted to do at least one Full Marathon. I know it will be grueling, have had many friends who have done it. One of my…
  • Wow! I don't often have time to look at the message boards, but your post caught my attention. Congratulations and keep up the great work, so happy your mom is joining you in this lifestyle change. :smile:
  • I have been where you are at, those bootcamp classes in such excess can bulk up your muscle, thus increase your weight. Keep at it, you are doing all the right things. There is no need to workout several times a day, your body will hold on to weight just for energy. I did what you are doing, working out that much and I…