So Freaking Frustrated

I have been killing it at the gym and working out more than I ever have in my life. Putting in a minimum of an hour in with spinning, or bootcamp (sometimes 3 or 4 hours a day). I go 5 days a week and rest one day. I'm sore, and cranky and breaking out from sweating so much. I have been coming in under my calorie goals every day and watching what I eat and cooking 90% of my own food. No Sugar, No flour, no processed crapola. But the stupid scale is not only not budging, but inching upwards. I'm FURIOUS and am not sure what I am doing wrong, or what I can do better.

Strength wise/stamina wise I am seeing improvements, but I just want a little positive reinforcement from my evil scale.


  • AmberXenon
    AmberXenon Posts: 118 Member
    I know the feeling. ><

    Hang in there. :)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    How many calories are you consuming on any given day?

    How long have you been at it?

    Could it be TOM ?

    Are you weighing at the same time daily? Naked? In the morning?
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    Are you getting enough water? The only other thing I can think of is you're getting too few calories with all that exercise. Maybe up it a little for a few days to see if that will get the scale moving? It's all about finding that magic number. Most importantly you haven't given up even while frustrated. You're on the right path, now it's just a little bit of tweaking. You'll get there!
  • Lydialane
    Muscle weighs more than fat. you seem to be creating tons of muscle by hitting the gym so much. :]
  • CherrySunday
    I can sympathize too! Lately, I've been feeling like all I'm doing is maintaining, and it's driving me crazy! I work out hard at the gym 4 times a week for 90 mins at a time, and watch the calories -- and still it's not budging! I was talking with my husband last night, and he said maybe to zig-zag with the calories, and change what I'm working on at the gym (i have the same routine each time I go). He said the body adapts to things and sometimes you have to change it up. I reduced my calories, and I'm adding MORE walking into my routine everyday. Good luck! I hope something works for you, as you seem to be doing everything right!
  • Armygirl67
    Armygirl67 Posts: 177 Member
    I know the feeling, iam burning about 6000 calories a day, 6x -week, 1 rest day.
    Also stick with my 1200 caloria-day , and losing 1 single lb a week..
    I feel so frustrated..
  • Lucylaser
    Lucylaser Posts: 94 Member
    How many calories are you consuming on any given day?

    How long have you been at it?

    Could it be TOM ?

    Are you weighing at the same time daily? Naked? In the morning?

    Calories are between 1500 - 1800 depending on how much time I get in at the gym. I've been going to the gym like a maniac since Early august (with a 2 week break where I went hog wild on vacation in Italy). Lost 13 lbs in August, gained back 9 in Italy and have almost managed to lose all the vacation weight (it was a really good vacation). I weigh in in the buff, in the AM consistently.

    I just feel like I am not sure what I am doing wrong!
  • Iwillshyne
    just had this same exact melt-down recenty. It was suggested that I should tweek my diet AGAIN and add strength training to my workout regiment. I I did it and I am started to see results.
    Another wise suggestion is not to be sooo concern with weighing in. I weigh in once a month instead of every week like most ppl do.
  • Rachaelluvszipped
    Rachaelluvszipped Posts: 768 Member
    Are you getting enough water? The only other thing I can think of is you're getting too few calories with all that exercise. Maybe up it a little for a few days to see if that will get the scale moving? It's all about finding that magic number. Most importantly you haven't given up even while frustrated. You're on the right path, now it's just a little bit of tweaking. You'll get there!

    ^^Above ^^ How long have you been doing your exercise routine, as well? I switch up my routine each I need a change up every now and then..are you doing the same routine consistently...body needs to be confused/shocked..that way it will move the scale..but also have you measured yourself lately? you possibly could be losing inches, gaining muscles to burn the body fat...

    Switching your cardio days with your weight training days could help as well..muscles need time to rest, as muscles will retain water as your muscles are worked the next few days the water will be released and will have a loss..

    Add me if you want and message I know what to look for..I have a quite a few friends that can help as well..we can find out together..just ask away!
  • dbharmoneous
    dbharmoneous Posts: 6 Member
    I have been where you are at, those bootcamp classes in such excess can bulk up your muscle, thus increase your weight. Keep at it, you are doing all the right things. There is no need to workout several times a day, your body will hold on to weight just for energy. I did what you are doing, working out that much and I bulked up like a wrestler, but I was afraid to stop. Then I started focusing on cardio and toning and slimmed down. Hang in there, you are doing great and you are obviously dedicated! I did this program to try and get a handle on my eating and being my age the weight just creeps up, the scale is hardly moving at all, but I have decided just to keep at it and do it for all the right reasons, which is be healthy! Keep at it! Don't give up.

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  • Lucylaser
    Lucylaser Posts: 94 Member
    Are you getting enough water? The only other thing I can think of is you're getting too few calories with all that exercise. Maybe up it a little for a few days to see if that will get the scale moving? It's all about finding that magic number. Most importantly you haven't given up even while frustrated. You're on the right path, now it's just a little bit of tweaking. You'll get there!

    ^^Above ^^ How long have you been doing your exercise routine, as well? I switch up my routine each I need a change up every now and then..are you doing the same routine consistently...body needs to be confused/shocked..that way it will move the scale..but also have you measured yourself lately? you possibly could be losing inches, gaining muscles to burn the body fat...

    Switching your cardio days with your weight training days could help as well..muscles need time to rest, as muscles will retain water as your muscles are worked the next few days the water will be released and will have a loss..

    Add me if you want and message I know what to look for..I have a quite a few friends that can help as well..we can find out together..just ask away!

    I did lose an inch in my waist. I am going to take my rest day on Tuesday and see if thnigs start to budge and try a different type of cardio tomorrow. I am the world's least coordinated person, so I think that taking a step class should be hilarious. Gonna send you a req. too! Thanks so much!
  • macylane4
    macylane4 Posts: 224
    A new tip I just learned that might help your carbs other then veggies in the morning after a 30min work out. Then only eat carbs again during the day within 2 hours of your main work out. The carbs aren't doing your body any good if you worked out longer then 2 hours prior to eating them! Your calorie count sounds like enough, but are you always doing the same exercises, or do you switch them up? You should be doing a different cardio and muscle group everyday! Oh, and rest is just as important as working out..if you don't give your body enough time rest that is also bad! Try a cheat day once a week, it'll shock your body to maybe dump the excess weight!!!
    Good luck!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    How long have you been working out for? A lot of times when I start up some new workout program I'll gain a little bit. Be sure that you're measuring out your food so that you know your calorie counts are accurate. If you're doing all that, give it another couple weeks before making any major tweaks. Sometimes you just gotta have faith that it will work. Have you taken measurements or pictures? Sometimes that will show progress when the scale hasn't.
  • chyloet
    chyloet Posts: 196 Member
    A pound of muscle weighs the same as a pound of fat (1lb) ... However, an inch of muscle is more dense than an inch of fat. So, how are your clothes fitting?
  • chubiD
    chubiD Posts: 260
    It sounds like you're being too hard on yourself. Maybe you're not eating enough? And maybe you're working out too much. What about having 2 days off instead of only one? or you could even do 2 intense days, one day off, one day of only cardio (like a gentle walk/jog or the elliptical), then other 2 days and another day off?

    Are you eating your work out calories back?

    Finally, don't stress yourself out too much. It's a huge effort you're doing, but it may take time to see the results. Make sure you enjoy the whole thing, if you feel deprived and are having an awful time, you'll give up soon.

    Wish you the best of luck!:flowerforyou:

    PS. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want