cdenton1 Member


  • I've run 3-4 days a week before work for about 5 years now. Honestly - go to bed a little early the nights before you have to get up early. I'm usually out the door by 5:30 for 4-6 miles and in bed the night before by 9 or 9:30. I have all of my gear out (shoes, shorts/pants, running shirt, jacket, etc) in the bathroom…
  • I'd highly recommend new shoes and make sure you go to a store where they know running shoes! very important. Our local running store will videotape you running on a treadmill and figure out which shoes are the best for you...make sure you take your current shoes with you so they can see the wear pattern on the…
  • I ran the Chicago marathon while taking a pretty strong antibiotic and I was fine. Listen to your body and if you start having some sort of tendon/muscle pain then slow down or walk. I was not running the Chicago for time either (and avg about a 10:30 mile), so i took my time and it ended up being a great experience.…
  • I'm not running it this year but have several other years and it's a blast. If you're up to 4.5 on the treadmill, just keep increasing slowly and you'll get there with no problem! It's a lot of fun, tons of people, and a great time! good luck!