Running and antibiotic

Hi guys!

I have been training all summer for the Dublin marathon which will take place on the 31 October, that's next Monday. Unfortunately I ended up with a nasty chest infection, went to the doctor today and came home with antibiotics (Germentin) and steroids for 10 days. This is my first marathon and I'm not to sure what to expect, the only thing I know is that I'm so nervous which I suppose is natural.

My questions are: has any of you out there ever run a marathon while taking antibiotics? Will this affect your performance? I'm not a fast runner just trying to keep a 11:35 min/mile pace.



  • ask your doctor if you can go on probiotics. I wouldn't recommend running a marathon if you will be on antibiotics. They can weaken tendons.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    probiotics are for restoring the balance of intestinal microbes, not for treating chest infections.

    Ask your doctor, but chances are you'll be feeling fine and able to run. My main concern about the drugs and the marathon are the steroids. You should typically avoid sun exposure while on steroids. Also, they reduce inflammation so your body may not have the same sensitivity to pain; you'll have to listen to your body more closely than normal.
  • cdenton1
    cdenton1 Posts: 4 Member
    I ran the Chicago marathon while taking a pretty strong antibiotic and I was fine. Listen to your body and if you start having some sort of tendon/muscle pain then slow down or walk. I was not running the Chicago for time either (and avg about a 10:30 mile), so i took my time and it ended up being a great experience. You've done a lot of training thus far, so trust that you've laid the groundwork to have a successful marathon. Have fun and best of luck! It's all worth it when you cross the finish line!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    I ran a half 2 days after being diagnosed with strep and had a shot of penicilian. I finished, but I felt pretty drained.
  • Guys, thanks so much for all your posts it really helps me from stop panicking. I went for a 50 min walk this evening and even thou I was coughing here and there it felt great. I'm really looking forward to next Monday, I know it won't be easy but I want to enjoy it as much as I can :)