Apazman Member


  • If what you are doing is not working for you, perhaps its time for a change. one thing I have learned is that everyone has an opinion on the right way to lose weight. I think there are as many ways to lose weight as there are flavors of ice cream and perhaps the best thing to do is to keep trying them until you find the…
  • I hit my weekly goal, so Tonight is my free night!... then back to it.
  • I Avoid but still eat once a week, - Fast Food / Or restaurant package/processed food, like spaghetti noodles, or snack bars of any kind including the "healthy" ones, Cereals. Some stuff I still use: sweet relish, Mayo made with olive oil.
  • I basically fast all day and eat 1 meal a day. This has worked for me for 100lbs. I would suggest doing your own things to figure out what will work for you. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't do. I was told I was going to fail at every turn, but this works for me for a variety of reasons that people don't…
  • AMAZING! Getting on Elliptical now!
  • well acupuncture can help reduce stress by a significant margin, so why not? I wouldn't say to only do this, but if its in addition to eating better and exercising.. why not?
  • Could it be that they are using a fitbit, or armband that supposedly integrates with MFP, and there is a bug in it where its sending the cals burned as the mins. so instead of 1430 mins, thats supposed to be 1430 Calories?
  • Here is a few more...
  • Let me see if I can add a few..
  • 3 lbs hamburger 3lbs of lean ground turkey1/2 c. ketchup 1/4 cup of tomato paste with 1 tlb of Honey 1/4 c. mustard 1tsp of mustard powder 1/2 tsp. garlic powder 1/2 tsp. onion powder 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. pepper ???? no Idea what this is 1/2 tsp. meat tenderizer 1/2 tsp. paprika ---- 4 generous dashes of frank's hot…
  • On Sunday I shop for the following: Onions Broccoli orange Bell peppers Chicken breast beef for stir fry Yakisoba noodles rice canned tuna whole wheat bread eggs ground beef and ragu pasta sauce I chop and prep all my food, you can see pic in my profile. Then Pre make some tuna, Mayo w/olive oil and sweet relish then pre…
  • here are a few tips that I found to work for me: 1. Make MFP your home page 2. Log in EVERYDAY, read the message boards... post.. Keep your mind actively thinking about it. 3. Don't try to change too much at once, Implement 1 change every week or so. Little tweaks over time seem to work best or at least better than butt…
  • I know what you are talking about man, I get called "Big Guy" at my work all the time by the management. each time it just cuts a little deeper.
  • here are a few tips that I found to work for me: 1. Make MFP your home page 2. Log in EVERYDAY, read the message boards... post.. Keep your mind actively thinking about it. 3. Don't try to change too much at once, Implement 1 change every week or so. Little tweaks over time seem to work best or at least better than butt…
  • I map my daily weight on a calendar (Dry-erase). Write it in green if its lower than the day before, red if its more than the day before and purple if its an all-time low. When I start stacking green days during the week, I try harder and harder each day .. because it will lead to that really special purple day! and…
  • here are a few tips that I found to work for me: 1. Make MFP your home page 2. Log in EVERYDAY, read the message boards... post.. Keep your mind actively thinking about it. 3. Don't try to change too much at once, Implement 1 change every week or so. Little tweaks over time seem to work best or at least better than butt…
    in New! Comment by Apazman October 2012
  • here are a few tips that I found to work for me: 1. Make MFP your home page 2. Log in EVERYDAY, read the message boards... post.. Keep your mind actively thinking about it. 3. Don't try to change too much at once, Implement 1 change every week or so. Little tweaks over time seem to work best or at least better than butt…
  • Educate yourself SON! .. Mark Rippetoe - Starting strength:
  • bump for later ... THANKS pretty eyes!
  • Vanilla ice cream with cut up microwaved seasonal fruit.
  • I prep on Sundays for the rest of the week. This keeps me on track and even gives me more time during the week. I usually only eat dinner as I fast during the day .. but here is what I do.. hope this helps. Routine: Sunday: -Shop for ----Veggies (onions, Broc crowns, frozen peas and carrots) ----Proteins: Chicken and beef…
  • I prep on Sundays for the rest of the week. This keeps me on track and even gives me more time during the week. I usually only eat dinner as I fast during the day .. but here is what I do.. hope this helps. Routine: Sunday: -Shop for ----Veggies (onions, Broc crowns, frozen peas and carrots) ----Proteins: Chicken and beef…
  • Totally agree, Its also nice when people seem more approachable ..not the 6.5 foot / 0 body fat / Totally ripped black dude, who says, " I know exactly what you are going through" ... Ummmm .. No.. no you don't .. lol
  • Lemon The Shepherd <table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/nGCru9Jz5YPo3sdKvZZQFtMTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-7ObQwO0FHII/TP6aBERDJkI/AAAAAAAADyc/-Yo7JESc60s/s144/IMG_0313.JPG" height="108" width="144" /></a></td></tr><tr><td…
  • here are a few tips that I found to work for me: 1. Make MFP your home page 2. Log in EVERYDAY, read the message boards... post.. Keep your mind actively thinking about it. 3. Don't try to change too much at once, Implement 1 change every week or so. Little tweeks over time seem to work best or at least better than butt…
    in Help Comment by Apazman October 2012
  • here are a few tips that I found to work for me: 1. Make MFP your home page 2. Log in EVERYDAY, read the message boards... post.. Keep your mind actively thinking about it. 3. Don't try to change too much at once, Implement 1 change every week or so. Little tweeks over time seem to work best or at least better than butt…
  • here are a few tips that I found to work for me: 1. Make MFP your home page 2. Log in EVERYDAY, read the message boards... post.. Keep your mind actively thinking about it. 3. Don't try to change too much at once, Implement 1 change every week or so. Little tweeks over time seem to work best or at least better than butt…
  • here are a few tips that I found to work for me: 1. Make MFP your home page 2. Log in EVERYDAY, read the message boards... post.. Keep your mind actively thinking about it. 3. Don't try to change too much at once, Implement 1 change every week or so. Little tweeks over time seem to work best or at least better than butt…
    in new here Comment by Apazman October 2012
  • it sounds like you like him .. not love him. You want to change something so it suits you better. If you can't accept someone for who they are, warts and all .. then is it really real?