

  • hi Shannon. Im fairly new. Just logged in my first 20 days. Its addictive and everyone is very friendly. Lots of tips and ideas. Good luck. every day is a new day. don't give up. I was already losing weight with weightwatchers but it was slow going and expensive then one day I thought enough of 'gimmicks'...... It all…
  • Hi There. I'm new to the site but so far enjoying it. It's easy to follow and friendly, I have also battled with weight for some time but now I feel as if I'm coming to grips with it. I joined weight watchers......Again......in July and started to lose weight......slowly, 16 lbs in all then found YFP site. worked out that…
  • Looking for friends too. Im in my sixties 'real time' but in my thirties in my mind. just joined this site so have no friends as yet I'm keen to lose weight and be 'fit' in case i'm lucky enough to live to a ripe old age. would like to compare notes with folk. I'm mother to 4, Nanny to 5 and foster mum and foster nanny…