Hi from somewhere near Seattle

My name is Lee.

My daughter told me about this site tonight and I thought I would give it a try. She told me that I can enter the info in my android phone but so far, I am having trouble with it. I mean,, I like grapefruit for breakfast but it doesn't recognize it for some reason. It seems to recognize foods that you eat out of cans or boxes! I rather eat fresh foods, but I am clueless a to how to enter it on my phone.

A bit about myself,, I am a mother of 2 grown children. I have struggled with weight nearly all my life. About a year ago, I decided,, JOIN THE GYM.. great,, I go there, but until a few months ago, I pretty much stick to water fitness classes. I love it but it sure doesn't help with weigh loss but its GREAT for the heart. I was told.. build muscle and you lose weight,, tried weight training for few months and saw ZERO loss! Oh,, I have lost inches but not pounds... I blame muscle gain! I complained to one of staff at the gym about it and as usual,, they tried to rope me into signing up for personal trainer! I hate it when they do that to me! Then one day, while I was cussing at the scale, one of staff came to me and said to try FREE WIEGHT classes.. I have been doing it the best I can for the past 2 months now, going 3 to 5 days a week, depending on how my joints are cooperating with me. I am no spring chicken to keep up with the 20s crowd. If all goes well, I go 5 days a week.. 2 days are bodyworks, 2 days are step classes and 1 day of bootcamp. As I said earilier,, I am no spring chicken so i do the best I can,, if I can't do so and so,, I just keep moving MY WAY.

So anyway,, how do I enter the info on excersize when only 2 options are there,, cardio or strength? All 3 classes are a combo of both. According to info from my gym, Bodyworks burns up to 440 cal a hour, step also burns up to 440 cal a hour, Bootcamp burns up to 550. so how do i put that info into my diary?

Enough of myself,, I hope to have sucess this time with this easy calories counter. I know that once i get the idea of how to use the calories counter, it will help me manage my intake better.

Take care!


  • Huskychemist
    Huskychemist Posts: 75 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I've certainly benefited from the connections I've made here. (And I'm originally from Seattle, although I don't live there now.)

    As for your questions, I use MFP on my Android phone. As long as I have a network connection, it works great. You just need to search for your food. So you like grapefruit. Fantastic. When you click on 'Add Food' do a search for 'fresh grapefruit' and you will have options. None of them may be perfect, but I'm sure at least one of the options will be close.

    As for exercise, I track my exercise in my own spreadsheet. So I don't stress about entering exercise into MFP. But I enter anything 'cardio-like' as cardio, and I enter my weightlifting routines as 'strength.' But I don't put much detail for the strength routines. For the cardio, you can search for the exercises you have. It may give you Calorie values that don't match. You can adjust the Calorie values to fit you.

    Hope that helps. Good luck!
  • ronchap
    ronchap Posts: 60
    Loved Seattle I used to live in Port Orchard so invest in a heart rate monitor then you can choose exercise close to what you're doing and then add the calories burned.
  • junehart1
    Hi There.
    I'm new to the site but so far enjoying it. It's easy to follow and friendly, I have also battled with weight for some time but now I feel as if I'm coming to grips with it.
    I joined weight watchers......Again......in July and started to lose weight......slowly, 16 lbs in all then found YFP site. worked out that WW round up or down on their 'points' so decided to switch to cals again so I can get an exact total. Most food is marked with cals, in fact I believe that here in UK it is going to be mandatory very soon. Its easy to change a serving to 1/2 or 1/3 and so on
    and I often find I can split a pack into 2 or 3 therefore cutting down calories. I am Mother to grown up children and have 'fostered' many over the last 28 years, now I housesit when folk go away or look after their dogs in my own home (have 2 at the moment)
    I like having the dogs as it motivates me to get up and go for walks thereby earning me exercise cals. I'm not ready to retire gracefully yet and am off to The Gambia shortly for a holiday. Nice to welcome you to the site ::flowerforyou: :