

  • Your main reason to losing weight should be for yourself & your health. Keep trekking, and you'll reach your goal. :))
  • I'm sick as well. I'm not sure if I'm getting the flu or not. I don't have money to go to a gym, so all I do is home work outs. I honestly don't want to do anything. My stomach is cramping, I feel extremely cold, and I feel nauseous. I don't suggest going to the gym. I suggest staying home, and doing light exercising, and…
  • Today was my first time doing the ladder setting. I kept losing to him. I ended up getting made and throwing the controller to my more skilled friend. I was playing Mileena. I won a lot on first try, but he was just hitting me to death with that stupid freakin hammer.
  • Losing in Mortal Kombat to Shao Kahn. On easy
  • This is my first challenge! :)) SW: 200 Goal for October: 195 Self-Challenge: a. stick with this; b. be able to do ten straight minutes of step ups; c. buy a body measuring tape.
  • I'm on the journey to losing around fifty pounds, and I just joined yesterday. I'm not looking for immediate results, because those don't stay in the long run. I'm looking for better foods for my vegetarian lifestyle: getting more protein, fiber, and calcium. Usually, I'll start a new plan to get in shape. By the second to…
  • Keep track of: calories, protein, calcium, and fiber. Keep track of my exercises and foods. Support group. Inspiration. I just started yesterday, but I actually feel better. It's like I can see my progress online. It's easier to use than pencil and paper.