Suzanne106 Member


  • So sorry. My condolences. Try not focusing on the negative even on days you want to eat the fridge! It's not easy but you'll get there one day at a time, one meal at a time. Take care
  • Why are you asking other people that are very clearly NOT doctors? Listen to your doctor or get a second opinion
  • I'm 5'3" and weigh 151 lbs. I've lost 20 lbs and have kept it off for several months now so pretty happy about that. No real cravings since I give myself a cheat day once a week. I wear a size 6 now but started at a size 10. Good luck
  • Why the rush? Doesn't sound smart or healthy to me. One day at a time and one meal at a time. Good luck!
  • Salt, pepper and lots of different spices. Trial and error. Some spices are much more flavorful than others so it might take some time to find some good ones.
  • I started at 172 back in December and have lost 20 lbs to date not to mention a ton of inches. I have gone from a size 10 to a size 6. It has taken me 4 months and a lot of exercise but I feel great! Good Luck! (P.S. I am 5'3")
  • Damn, good job! Keep it up, you look great!
  • Potatoes aren't bad for you, every thing in moderation! You should never have to give up anything, just modify
  • I'm 5'3" and weighed 170 wearing a size 10 - 12. I am currently 5'3" and weigh 150 wearing a 6 - 8.
  • This might sound weird but I do not have a particular weight goal in mind. I am the type of person that if I set a weight goal and by a particular date do not achieve that goal, I will stop all together so I have decided to take it day by day and not stress over it. I have lost 20 lbs and am learning to maintain my current…
  • I'm sure when you started this journey you would have been happy to drop 2 pant sizes but now that you've done that you aren't happy. It's kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don't mentality. Enjoy your success and stop obsessing!
  • I use it to make stuft green bell peppers along with salsa instead of tomatoes to improve taste. I also use it to make meatloaf with bbq sauce and it is delicious!
  • You need to increase your caloric intake. I plateaued big time and adjusting my calories helped break through along with spending an additional 20 minutes at the gym. Take the BMI/BMR test on this site to get more accurate calories. Good Luck!
  • The question is so vague. Who knows what you eat and how much. I kept the same eating habits and exercised once, sometimes twice a day and never lost a pound until I changed my eating habits and learned portion control. Good Luck!
  • Everyone is different. What works for one does not necessarily work for another. I am 48 and I don't care what people say, the older you get, the harder it is to lose weight (especially for women)! Don't worry what others are doing, do what works for you. That may mean making adjustments along the way but you'll figure it…
  • Welcome! Don't stress. Your comment sounds like you are stressed. Take it day by day, one meal at a time and you'll get there. I don't set goals because if I don't attain them by the goal date I get discouraged. I take it slow and steady and have lost 20 lbs in the last 4 mos. I've increased my exercise and change it up so…
  • I have one diet coke a day and I'm fine with that. Everything in moderation! I don't drink alcohol, I don't drink coffee or tea nor do I smoke, do drugs, or eat sweets so one diet coke a day is fine. Stop overthinking it. Enjoy!
  • I use good ole plain sugar! It's all natural. Everything in moderation
    in Stevia Comment by Suzanne106 April 2016
  • It will work but you MUST follow the program and not deviate from it at all. I used it to get over a plateau and it worked great. I didn't stick with it very long though as I just needed a kick start
  • I'm 48 going on 49 this year and I haven't felt this good in years nor looked this good! I workout everyday and watch what I eat because I didn't want to turn 50 being overweight and out of shape. I have lost 20 lbs in just over 3 months and counting. Good Luck!
  • It sounds like you need to get your mind right about the eating situation. Once you put your mind to it I bet the weight will start falling off again. You're probably bored on some level even though you don't realize it too. Maybe you can find a motivational quote or saying that will flip the switch again. Mine was Carrie…
  • I personally think age plays a huge part in any relationship. Each person is from a different generation and certainly cannot relate to each other. It may be "fun" to date a younger man or woman but as for it lasting, I just don't see it.
  • I say everything in moderation. I eat whatever I'm in the mood for as I am unwilling to give up anything for the rest of my life just to weigh less! I have lost 17 lbs thus far and haven't felt deprived. I would also get a new trainer and quick! Good Luck :)
  • It sounds like you need more "real" food with protein and fiber to fill you up. If you have a sweet tooth, try a granola bar with chocolate chips like the new GOODNESS bars. They come in 4 small squares so you get the taste but not the waste and you don't feel guilty. Good Luck!
  • I just add it in like any other meal. I don't eat fast food on a daily basis as it is only twice a month on cheat days so I don't worry about it. Everything in moderation. Good Luck!
  • I use the Body Gym by Marie Osmond and it has changed my body! It is a resistance band tool and can be done on different levels as you get stronger. You can start sitting down or standing. It is WONDERFUL and I've gotten amazing results in very little time, Good Luck!
  • The clothes at Fabletics aren't cheap. I always purchase Fila and it lasts a really long time, washes well and is well priced. Workout clothes aren't better just because they cost more or have a fancy LuLuLemon label!