

  • I use the Bio-Rhythm brand and use Almond Milk instead of fat-free milk, then I add ice and two scoops of powder. It gives me a pick-up !! I also use the Magic Bullet - an instant dose of protein without having to cook it !!
  • I have recently had cancer surgery involving a double-mastectomy and will undergo chemo-therapy sometime in the next few weeks. I have read that this can cause weight gain, despite the feeling of nausea and reduced food intake. It averages a five to 25 pound weight gain. Does anyone have an experience or knowledge of this…
  • I just had a double mastectomy and will begin chemo therapy in a month. Unfortunately, I am also twenty pounds over my goal weight. I just learned that some women gain 15 to 25 pounds when they take chemo therapy. My chemo ( Adriamycin and Cytoxan) will be very aggressive for two months followed by less aggressive therapy…
  • Thanks for your note. Since I started MFP, I am eating more food and I have even gained a few pounds !! My daughter lost 25 pounds using MFP and she insists I need to eat more food. It's frustrating since I've always thought eating less food was the only way to lose weight. :frown: I am doing this no matter what, despite…
  • I'm Sylvia. I'm new to the site and I'm ready to lose 20 pounds. I'm 56 and wondering about hormones. I learned about the site from my daughter who has recently lost 25 pounds since last summer. Therefore, I need input from other women my age. Looking forward to learning this new way of life.