

  • OMG!!!! I love this quote!!!! I WAS this person last night. For the first time in my life I jogged for 1/2 a mile. Might not seem like much to you but it was and still is the best feeling I've had since giving birth. Yes I can, Yes I did, Yes I will, again and again. Me Likey!!!!
  • One of my friends today said "some people need a high five.....to the face.....with a chair [/quote] How awesome is that!!!! Love it!!!! Your friend rocks!!!
  • One of my friends today said "some people need a high five.....to the face.....with a chair [/quote] How awesome is that!!!! Love it!!!! Your friend rocks!!!
  • WOW, makes you want to scream. Pay her no mind. Wish everone would take the advise: If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all. I wish you continued success and kudos on your achievement!!!
  • :drinker: OMG!!!! I must have my Cabernet Sauvignon or my day will not be complete nor will my family speak to me. I can be a real beast at the end of the day! I sit at a desk for 8 hrs and sit in traffic for at least 90 mins a day. I have TERRIBLE Road Rage :explode: and if I don't take time to relax I would never feed my…
  • Sounds like you're doing all the right things. Eating prior to the workout and getting protein after. I would suggest you keep a snack with you and eat it before lunch so you don't have that "crashing" feeling in the afternoon. I saw on the Dr. Oz show that almonds, yogurt or Kashi Go Lean snacks are a good for you, will…