Irritating People

Ooh a small rant about irritating people...

I love when people try to give you unwanted advice and they have no basis for their opinions. I drives me nuts! My boss, for instance, is always wanting to give me advice on raising children when she has none and is past the age of having any (mid 60's?). She has never babysat or had much interaction with children at all, yet she''ll spend 30 minutes telling me how simple child raising is.....she has ALL the answers...I bite my tongue for obvious reasons-she is my boss afterall.

Now the new thing is, people have begun noticing my weight loss (27 lbs) and now this same offender keeps wanting to give me diet I know this is going to sound horrible, but she's very heavy-I'd say around 350 lbs, and she has terrible health habits. She's told me that I should do like her and take diet pills to offset her mountain dew and chocolate consumption-UM NO!!!!! It's clearly not working for you and that's horrible for your health. I have lost the 27 lbs over 12 weeks so far by eating much healthier, smaller portions, and doing lots of exercise that I have come to really enjoy. She told me today "wow, you should've lost more weight than that by now!" UM NO!!!! 2 to 2.5 lbs per week is healthy. I have another 100 to lose to get to my goal of 130 lbs and I plan on making this a healthy journey not a crash diet.

I guess my point is, I wish people who don't have a clue would leave the rest of us alone!

Thanks for putting up with my rant :flowerforyou:


  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Maybe she really is truly offering this advice because she thinks it is good. It is remarkably shocking how many people are truly clueless about life. She can only share things with her from life as she has seen it. Her point of view is limited and she doesn't have the answers.
  • OMG!!!! Im laughing so hard with your post! I love it!!!!! congrats on losing the weight, and the hell with these people.. Keep up the good work! :bigsmile:
  • I wonder if some people just want to feel more "important" so by giving their (unwanted) 2 cents it boosts their self-esteem!?

    Anyway, duck tape is always an, just kidding, just kidding!!!

    EXCELLENT JOB on the healthy & safe weight loss of 27 lbs! Keep up the awesomeness!

  • I understand. People I work with decided to start working out in the mornings together about a month ago and so far I'm the ONLY one that is still going and people are always trying to give me advice. It's to the point that I've had to leave for the day and go home because of some of the people that are so negative. I even heard a jerk guy at work trying to take bets on who would quit first. I don't know why people just can't be supportive and only speak when asked.

    I hope things get better for you cause I think if I have to listen to people around here much longer, I might be on the 10pm news lol
  • Alee4nia
    Alee4nia Posts: 168 Member
    wow...take her advice with a fine grain of salt, even if
  • sadafajmal
    sadafajmal Posts: 15 Member
  • YukonJoy
    YukonJoy Posts: 1,279 Member
    She's told me that I should do like her and take diet pills to offset her mountain dew and chocolate consumption

  • pamfin
    pamfin Posts: 169 Member
    I've found that the most successful way to get them to stop is to just smile sweetly and say "I'm glad that's working for you." It saves an argument and they think they've imparted their wisdom and usually give up. :smile:
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    yeah if it's not working for her, it's not going to work for you. maybe just say "thanks for the advice but i'm doing great with my method" and leave it at that. she does sound pretty clueless. and maybe she's jealous and wants to mess you up. some people are like that.
  • cds2001
    cds2001 Posts: 732 Member
    Feeling your pain. I actually read an article not long ago about how to avoid certain people at work. I wish I could remember where I saw it. The only tip that I can recall is when a person you want to avoid comes your way -- say that you're off to finish such and such project, etc. to excuse yourself and get away from them.

    Or in case of your boss -- maybe reminding that person of something they should be working on perhaps??? lol
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    She's told me that I should do like her and take diet pills to offset her mountain dew and chocolate consumption-UM NO!!!!!


    Priceless! Good for you - stick to what is working AND healthy!
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    if your boss has all the answers regarding child rearing i'd have her babysit your kids one day (after giving them redbull on the way over and putting a kazzoo in their pocket)
  • I've found that the most successful way to get them to stop is to just smile sweetly and say "I'm glad that's working for you." It saves an argument and they think they've imparted their wisdom and usually give up. :smile:

    I am SO using that one!
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    My irritating person at work is the girl who weighs 110. When I went into work stoked about fitting in a size 16 she said "OMG people actually wear that size?" She also tells me I should be losing faster....did I mention she's studying to be a nutritionalist?

    Ohhh and anytime a customer says something about me losing weight she has to pipe up and say, I lost weight too! I was 115 after my daughter was born and got back down to 110....I still think my butt needs work and then bends over to show them....(we work in a bar)

    One of my friends today said "some people need a high the face.....with a chair---spongebabe
  • I've found that the most successful way to get them to stop is to just smile sweetly and say "I'm glad that's working for you." It saves an argument and they think they've imparted their wisdom and usually give up. :smile:

  • WOW, makes you want to scream. Pay her no mind. Wish everone would take the advise: If you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all. I wish you continued success and kudos on your achievement!!!
  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member
    I've found that the most successful way to get them to stop is to just smile sweetly and say "I'm glad that's working for you." It saves an argument and they think they've imparted their wisdom and usually give up. :smile:
    Ha ha ha ha yes...its making the point perfectly clear without setting yourself up!!!! I hate when people do that! My mother does it, she gives me workout advice and I cant recall one time in my life when I have seen her workout LOL!
  • One of my friends today said "some people need a high the face.....with a chair

    How awesome is that!!!! Love it!!!! Your friend rocks!!!
  • One of my friends today said "some people need a high the face.....with a chair

    How awesome is that!!!! Love it!!!! Your friend rocks!!!
  • elysecea
    elysecea Posts: 161 Member

    One of my friends today said "some people need a high the face.....with a chair
    Ha ha ha Love it!!!