happyhenglers Member


  • 5'5 SW: 153 (June 5) GW:135 CW (June 7): 152 GW for June: 147
  • I actually love the containers. I have been tracking on paper and MFP to see how the calories and nutrients align when MFP is set at 40-30-30 goals. I find they are totally in sync, and it's working well for me. In 12 days I am down a steady 4.5 lbs and feel great. I am not doing the DVD workout--just walking, weights at…
  • Yes, motivation comes from within. But support comes from friends. So I applaud you in reaching out and seeking support to help remind you of what you want when the aroma of chocolate chip cookies isn't creating a lapse in memory. I love what a very smart contributor wrote the other day: Losing weight is hard. Being…
  • I think the key is the word "decompress". Growing up, my dad would come home and have one drink to decompress. When I was a stay at home mom, it was a glass of red wine. When I went back to work, it became snacking. Now I've found other things that work: putting on my woobies (comfy, pajama-like clothes), a good book, or…
  • When my kids were little, we'd turn on the music and do "dance party". A few years later we got a Wii and would do Dance Revolution on it. Now that my daughter is a pre-teen, she likes to do Zumba because it's super fun and it doesn't matter what you look like. There are so many free options on demand on t.v or the…
  • WOW! That's fantastic! You should be so proud of yourself!!!
  • Love it, peter56765! What a great mantra to keep front of mind when faced with each challenge.
  • Has anyone found one that has no artificial sweeteners and has almost no flavor (to put in a blast without changing it's natural flavor)?
  • Snacking is usually either about not eating enough during meal time or it's about an emotion. Stop and do an honest assessment of both the physiological (nourishing food during meals) and the emotional (procrastination, feeding a hungry heart, worry, etc.)
  • Remember: you decide where it is going. Just because you had gains in the past does not mean you are on that road. Decide to take a different road.
  • Step 1: Get the emotions out (check ;) ) Step 2: Forgive yourself; it happened and now it's time to figure out what you need to do from here. Step 3: Rather than looking back and saying "How could I..?" it's time to say "How can I..." Step 4: Take one step forward. The you take another step. And you do that…
  • Suggested read: Salt, Sugar, Fat. Great book to highlight the fact that sugar has been proven to be as addictive as drugs. Some people can do moderation, and some people need stiffer boundaries. The key is to find what works for you.
  • Find someplace (or buy a scale) that measures body fat. It is very likely that you are building muscle as you lose body fat so the scale isn't moving. The indicator that this is likely the case is your looser clothes. Since muscle burns more calories than fat, you are absolutely doing the right thing to keep your…
  • I want something sweet almost every night after dinner, and it's never anything but chocolate. If you aren't the type to limit yourself to just one (like me), I brush my teeth, have a glass of water, then go for a walk. Having minty, clean teeth sometimes changes your outlook--as does a 10 or 20 minute walk.
  • I am proud of you for making the first step. The surgery is one part of the solution, but the other part will be using your newly learned and practiced skills to maintain what results you get from the surgery. It also helps to be in the best health possible before any surgery, so starting now will put you in a better place…
  • Count me in too! I am currently at 133.5, with a GW of 121. I need to challenge to keep my focus and steer clear of the sugar that runs rampant between Halloween and Christmas.
  • Sometimes it takes several times before you get it right. Think about anything else you've tried to learn--did you nail it the first time out of the gate? Probably not. You made a little progress, then made some mistakes, then made a little more progress, then made some mistakes. You probably made some adjustments each…