

  • Hello All, Today was ok still not weighting until things settle down. My Fatherinlaw is still declining slowly so sad 92 has had a great life and in the past year has continued to decline and is now in a hospice care facility his wife is 88 and no longer able to take care of him. She told my husband she cries herself to…
  • Hi All, Didn’t eat great:blushing: but stayed in the calories so I hope to do well in the end. Congrats Terri 30 lbs wow!!:flowerforyou: Keep up the great work. KC good job with the weight loss and God is good for sure.:flowerforyou: Well good night everyone and keep up the good work.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Lynn
  • Hello Everyone, Did well today yeah!! Birdie thanks so much for the encouragement and the prayers are needed at this time.:happy: Vickie I have had that happen too thinking I looked good then in a picture I felt I looked so fat. That is discouraging for sure.:cry: Heather congrats on joining a gym I am a member of two one…
  • Hello Everyone, Haven't posted much this week haven't done well but tommorow is a new day and week so I hope to do better. My husband is out of the country this week and I have really missed him. Good night all, Lynn
  • Hi All, KC don’t give up we have all gone up and down a bit.:blushing: Food isn’t our enemy we just have to change the way we use it:blushing: . I agree with Vicki this is a new way of life. Take it one day at a time log on daily and enter everything you eat and all your exercise. Have you been checked out by a Dr. to make…
  • Hello Everyone, I am back home and my dad's surgery was great. They removed his kidney and beleive they got all the cancer. So he is back home already. My mom is still in rehab but may come home next Sat or Sunday. I am hopeful that life will get more steady for me and I will not be running around like a crazy worried…
  • Hi, Didn't weight today I am just going to keep plugging away until after my dad's surgery. I do hope I start to lose weight soon it is discouraging to stay the same. I think I will try the vinegar thing later in October after I return home. May not be able to log in next week but will be back when I return after the…
  • Well Hello Ladies, Beleive it or not I have more bad news as most everyone knows my mom and brother had heart surgery a couple of weeeks ago. Well now my dad just got diagnosed with kidney cancer and will be having that removed on Oct.5. I didn't log in since last Thursday since I just found out that day about my dad. I…
  • Hello all a good day today ate well had my hair cut and colored the roots are all gone.:laugh: Went to boot camp this morning have tennis tomorrow:glasses: Welcome Karen we are a fun and supportive group.:blushing: Alice my goal is also an 8 I am down to a 10 but am stalled also talking to my trainer Friday for suggestions…
  • Hi All, Just a quick hello busy day read everyones post. Sorry about the injuries and sickies hope you all are 100% soon. Lynn :love:
  • Hello. Did well with food today did not do any exercise today was my day off my body needed a break will do cardio Sunday. Congratulations Suezzeque I hate plateaus but you have broken yours keep up the good work.:flowerforyou: Way to go Birdie getting on the tread mill and burning up your dressing!:glasses: Vickie way to…
  • Hello Everyone,:bigsmile: I had a tennis match today which means food. I did pretty well as far as my calories go. Plenty of exercise calories because I did a spin class this evening as well as my match.:smokin: Rosemary we are genius hahahahaha:devil: not really I open up a word document and type in after I read each…
  • Hi All, I also love the Biggest Loser it really spurs me on I try and do some cardio during part of it. I actually love the competition between them I think they are both incredible trainers. I love the show this season looks like it is going to be very emotional.:sad: Faith don’t fear the scale sometimes it moves in the…
  • Protein bars are a great way to add calories with out any fuss and can be eaten while changing classes. good luck, Lynn
  • Hi, I do a boot camp 3 days a week and it is like you talked about weights and cardio combined which is the compound movement you mentioned. How I log mine is by the calories burned from my heart rate monitor. I enter it as fast paced walk and enter however many minutes equals the calories I burned. Don't know what others…
  • Hello Everyone, I am watching Biggest Loser it always encourages me so much. We had rain here today in most of the city I was able to get my tennis lesson in which is always good cardio. I plan to do more before bed.:wink: Mary way to go on your weight loss this week.:flowerforyou: Have you ever considered a chiropractor?…
  • Hello All, Hope you all had a great weekend and are off to a good start for the week. I worked out at boot camp today and burned 526 calories:happy: but I have felt tired:yawn: and sleepy :yawn: all day hope I am not coming down with anything. Heather I have been having finger joint pains in the mornings when I wake up I…
  • Hello all hope you are having a wonderful weekend. My mom turned 80 Saturday I am very thankful she is here to celebrate it after the last 6 months we have had. She is in the rehab center now regaining her strength after the surgery. My son turns 31 Monday :noway: where does the time go? Was he not in diapers toddling…
  • Good evening everyone to day was great tennis and spin class I actually am one of those weird women that really enjoy exercise unfortunately I also LOVE to eat there in lies my problem. I have done well with food today.:wink: Rosemary I remember my son at that age and I decided that God made them that way so that when they…
  • Hello Ladies, Hope you all have had a great day. I worked out really hard today had boot camp it was great but I am so tired tonight and have a tennis match in the a.m. Birdie way to go two pounds keep up the good work.:flowerforyou: Congrats Vickie and Heather keep up the good work.:flowerforyou: Well I am off to watch…
  • Hello everyone, Glad to be back to my routine. I am such a routine oriented person or do you call that, anal retentive hmm not sure. Today was trainer then 2 ½ hrs of tennis lessons the weather was great and I burnt tons of calories heart monitor said 1400 of course that may not be as accurate so I will log around 1050 for…
  • Hi Everyone, Had a wonderful day we drove up to the North Ga.mountains with my top down and my pup in my lap hubby was driving.:glasses: We ate pretty bad but I am only a few calories over which really surprised me so I will walk on the treadmill to remedy that .:smile: :smile: Alice I would love your hot sauce recipe if…
  • Hello everyone just caught up on everyones post. I also make Jam and can it I give it to friends and family as well as give it for hostess gifts. My mom didn't teach me but she also made jam when I was growing up. I am staying on track so far this weekend we ate out with freinds friday evening but I had worked out really…
  • Hi, I always keep a pure protein bar in my purse at least it will hold me over until I can get something to eat. I will also stop by MickyD's at times but I just get a hamburger and small fry not that good for you but not over the calories. Today was another good day and I hope to end it with a good dinner and a walk or…
  • hello again I guess I need advise how do I get rid of my extra ticker now? Lynn
  • Good morning everyone, What a great day slept in my own bed and am going to boot camp in a few minutes!!! So thankful to be back home and back on my journey to lose the last 15 pounds. I will check back later I am trying to enter my Sept goals after my ticker we will see if I am doing it right . Created by MyFitnessPal.com…
  • Hi, Hoping September will be my month of weight loss. For those that remember my mom has been sick she had her heart surgery and is finally out of ICU and on her way to recovery!!!! So if all continues I can focus on my weight loss goals. Wt. loss 4 lbs drink H2O work out 3 times a week cardio 5 times per week
  • Hi, Had a good day worked out and ate well. Hope to maintain weight over next few weeks and work out as often as I can fit in. Lynn:drinker:
  • Hi, I haven't posted in a while and have just started reading the Aug posts I started from todays posts and an reading from there. I will finish tommorow. I wanted to check in and let you all know my mom will be having her Surgery Aug 25 and we hope she will survive she is 79 and will be havin g her mitral valve replaced.…