LaComadreja14 Member


  • My fiancee is constantly eating crap, despite me throwing a bunch of junk food away- he went out and bought more. He says it's okay in moderation but he doesn't eat it in moderation- even though were both trying to lose weight/get health. His behavior bothers me but not a ton. What really kills me is when he grabs his…
  • As someone who isn't very familiar with gym equipment and/or form when doing any kind of traditional work out, I would deeply appreciate if some one politely asked if I'd like help with my form. It's a difficult decision to make though, weather or not to try to help some one out, because so many people get overly…
  • Sorry if this seems counter productive to anyone else on the thread (and don't let me talk you out of trying the IF idea because an aquaintance of mine mentioned she was doing IF and that it took her a while to START loosing weight but once the ball got rolling she's been steadily loosing) HOWEVER: the reason I find this…
  • I just want to put this out there, as a person who eats less than their alloted daily calories, some people do actually struggle to eat enough to hit their calorie goal and have a good reason for it. I, for instance, take stimulant medication for ADHD which can kill your appitite and I push myself daily to hit my goal-…
  • ^I am also wondering how
  • Well, I *am* engaged to a man makes his living as a Grill Chef and Kitchen Manager :P Not only does he do it for a living but he loves to cook so much that he often insists on cooking when he is, by chance, home for a meal. When he cooks for me it's totally sexy and I love it..... When we were dating we used to cook…
  • Yes I am the one driving, sorry lol.... And I'm not the most coordinated person lol. Granola-mixes and nuts and such will end up decorating my car floor hahaha. I was thinking banana but it's not going to help my calorie intake much, I don't think. Unless I had a bunch of them.. But I drive on 95 not many stop lights…
  • The same thing happens to me. Sometimes I'll be sitting and watching TV or at the computer and some how I magically find myself infront of the fridge/pantry looking for sweets (and after that salty foods). I have found that in order to stop myself I can not have those foods in my house and if they are at work, I have to…
  • I bet they do, its funny that when people come to LabCorp for drug screens they assume we do the testing on-site and have tons of excuses/stories ... some even bring giant bags of RX bottles lol. The only thing we do is check temp- testing is done in the lab- but people who come often know that we're testing temp on site…
  • YESSS!!!!! Drug screens and anything dealing with urine (are you a Phleb too?) especially pouring off 24 hour urines into the smaller containers for testing. I work for LabCorp but I'm stationed in a doctors office so I don't have to deal with drug screens except for on Friday because my doctors office closes half a day so…
  • I'm sorry that happened to you! People suck, I had a co-worker once who said I looked good for being a mother and when I told her I was not a mother she insisted that I must be because of my 'pouch'!! ... And she doesn't get why I dislike her -_- The most recent insult for me has been at the gym ironically enough... I am…
  • Thanks for the replies :) I will try to go longer/ faster than I used to and keep upping myself. Unfortunately I don't have much family but I guess I'll figure something out about the shoes. I will try the bra trick too and see if maybe I can find a Moving Comfort bra in Ross, Marshalls or Burlington coat factory maybe.…
  • I'm a mutt (Sicilian, Spain-ish, Brazilian and born in NYC) my fiancee is 100% Catratcho <3 We're moving to Honduras next year and getting married. I'm determined to be sexier than hell by then, lol
  • Yep... By about 5 lbs, but I have cysts that form in unison with my cycle
  • Thanks Snowdog :) good to know. It felt so strange to suddenly feel hungry on a regular basis again, lol. I'm hoping it doesn't last because it made my head hurt :/
  • ....don't you worry about that honey, let me worry about that.... (inevitably he makes matters worse and I have to fix a bigger mess than I would've had to fox if he let me "worry" about it in the first place)
  • Please?? I'm not doing this as a quick fix- I just want something quick and nutritious
  • My fiancée and I met at work (not our current jobs) He was a prep guy and I was a waitress. When we were first introduced I had this overwhelming feeling that he would be the one, but being my rational self I told myself I was being crazy and new job jitters were making me look for security. I didn't believe in love at…
  • You have yet to finish the last chapter because you know you'll quit? So your putting off finishing the book in order to not have to quit yet? That pretty much defeats the purpose of reading it... and it shows that it isn't really that affective if all you have to do is just not finish it. Not that I am promoting smoking…
  • I wonder if the one I got was faulty. I got one when they first came out and it just spewed a disgusting liquid into my mouth when I tried to smoke it. Maybe I should try them again. Good to know I had the right idea though
  • I honestly don't know if "No, thank you." would offend my friends. I have never tried a simple no thank you... I guess it comes from family, I don't want to name names because this is a public forum but there are members of my family who had a hand in raising me who would see no thank you as an insult especially when it…
  • The two ideas I think I will be using are nibbling if I happen to be hungry or saying I've already eaten. Usually I wouldn't be so worried about offending anyone but as I said it's a small office, were all friends and the girl who brought breakfast is also one of my closest friends. Like I said, she supports my weight loss…
  • I totally forgot I made this post! Thank you soo much guys, love your advice I am surprised I didn't think of some but thank you all soo much!
  • I was diagnosed with ADD when I was 9 years old, however now they tell me I have ADHD. As a kid I was never treated with Meds but now I take Meds, it makes a world of difference to me. When I was younger my mom tried changing my diet a few tomes depending on what new studies shed read concerning the subject, and having me…
  • Great advice for other situations, unfortunately today we all ate together in the front because I was teaching them to use the new scanner :(
  • ....You pretty much just discribed my mind set about guys. I always thought they liked super skinny girls. When I met my fiancee I was around 140lbs and even though I didn't like what I saw in the mirror, he would always tell me how drop dead gorgeous I was and how I was so sexy etc, etc, etc. When he left to his home…
  • I have this problem too and I have tried all kinds of sports bras, I just have super sensitive breasts. Everybody is thinking about this the wrong way. Instead of changing your sports bra or wearing multiple sports bras, try changing your Cardio exersize! :) Dancing instead of running/jogging won't hurt your breasts and,…
  • I do, but then again I have eczema. It's winter time so u might just have dry skin that gets irritated by the salt in it sweat. Try moisturizing after u shower (don't wait more than 3-5 mins) I like cetaphil SPF 50 UVA/UVB facial moisturizer. Good luck