

  • vodka diet coke and lots of ice yum
  • I have been good all week. And will drink all of the bottle of red wine that has been sitting in my kitchen all week. I usually have a Large Glass each evening and a bottle on friday and Saturday. I do not think this is over doing it, just enjoying my life. what do you think...
  • I also have been attending the GYM and over the last 3 month I have lost 1 pound. I have not inches but I have noticed that I can go long on the treadmill without feeling really washed out. But I am with you. Why me. What am I doing wrong . I work hard at it.
  • Hi I used to live in Sydney for 20 years but have returned to Edinburgh 9years ago. Have one son still in Sydney and another ready to move to Perth. I have just started mfp as well and going to the gym. maybe we could try and motivate each other
  • I also am diabetic. but type 2 and must exercise and loose a lot of weight to get it under control. So good luck on your quest.