

  • Hi Debbie and welcome. I'm fairly new here too and have a long road ahead just like you. You came to the right place, you'll get lots of support here. Lets do this! :smile:
    in Hello Comment by Dianne66 May 2010
  • Sabrina that's great advice, thanks. Can you tell me how to change the protein/fibre settings, just had a look but can't seem to see where it is?
  • Welcome and good luck kgtweight and lilbo, you came to the right place. I've had so much encouragement and support on here in the past week or so and you both will too. Stick at it and show us what your made of :-) Lilbo I know metric and imp measurements can be tricky so here's a link to a website where you can convert...…
  • Hiya Ruth, there's no time like the present hey! Good luck :smile:
  • Good luck de1amo! I'm a newbie too. Well done for the 10kg loss. I know exercise is key. Come payday I'm planning to buy a cross trainer to burn that fat!
  • Thank You Ziesergirl! The best of luck to you too! I'll be here to encourage you all the way.
  • Hi K_Willis :smile: Thanks for the welcome its good to have new friends. What a lovely place this is!
  • Thanks, its gonna be a bumpy ride but I'm in for the duration! We can do it!
  • Here's a tasty apple treat for only 122 calories. I got this from a trainer tip on BIggest Loser. Place 1 regular apple in a microwaveable bowl with a shallow layer of water inside. Cover and micro on full power for 3 mins if 1000W or as in my case 4 mins for my 800W. Let it stand for a minute then drizzle 1 teaspoon of…