

  • Sheesh. First time back in a long while and I see some are still throwing their toys out their pram! Personally, if the work is well over and above what would form part of your "normal" routine, then I would most certainly count it. If, on the other hand it formed part of your "normal" routine (say lugging 50 lbs bags of…
  • Bananas can trigger the release of histamine in the body. The older (and riper) the banana; the more histamine is released.
  • Give it a massage! Wash and chop kale. Place in a large bowl. Add juice of a lemon and 1 teaspoon of salt. Add whatever seasoning you fancy - e.g crushed garlic, wasabi powder or paste, chilli, etc. A good glug of olive oil. Find a good programme on TV. Put hands in bowl and lift and massage the contents for 10 minutes or…
    in Kale? Comment by ess52 June 2013
  • Thanks, Jess. Some good ideas there. I sometimes make a Two Chicks egg white omelette. cool and stuff it full of either tuna or chopped fresh strawberries and melon. Lovely lunch in the unexpected heat we have been getting of late!
  • Congratulations! I look forward to joining you one day: currently obese from morbidly obese. Kimbyfly: I am one inch shorter than I was some years ago. Seems you shrink as you age. Shame that isn't the case with my waistline :>(
  • If you need and iron supplement, try a liquid one (Spatone, for instance) and add it to fresh orange juice - it helps absorption.
  • I just had to google "jicama" (I'm in England). Sounds good!
    in Fennel Comment by ess52 June 2013
  • My favourite veg. Slice it thinly with some orange segments, walnut halves and spinach. Makes a lovely salad.
    in Fennel Comment by ess52 June 2013
  • First post (although a long-term lurker) so, please, be gentle with me! I was 120 lbs overweight and lost 100lbs of that over the space of a year. It wasn't easy, as - besides knocking on a bit (in years, but not attitude) - I have RA. Six months ago I took ill and was diagnosed with a particularly unusual and rare…
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