Jillian Micheals workout dvds... also on youtube. I heard about it on seems to realllllly work
Someone told me that they're on youtube...
this made me LOL thanks!!
I love this! I'm just starting out- so this is soooooooooooo great to see
I agree. ANYTHING is better than nothing. Being a US citizen is a big cosmic joke sometimes. THE fact that they trick us into paying tens of thousands of dollars for an education, and they don't even guarantee your health- it's pathetic
Thanks guys. I know it's totally disgusting that we are the only industrialized country without any form of health care of day care!! I have a college degree- that I made thousands of dollars for, what did it get me?? DEBT!!
This is awesome. I feel like I have so many new friends in my corner that I don't want to let down. Let's hope that our collective positive energy will keep each other going! Let's make it to our goal, and then keep it off for life!!!
Last night while watching a movie my boyfriend had sour cream and onion chips.. I counted out 5 for myself so I didn't eat themmindlessly out of the bag... and savored every bite.. and logged it too!!
add me add me add me everyone!
Add me if I didn't add you already! Also, my food diary is visible to friends.. if you're up for it, make yours too- I love looking at what everyone else eats! I need ideas!!!!
Add me if I didn't add you already! Also, my food diary is visible to friends.. if you're up for it, make yours too- I love looking at what everyone else eats! I need ideas!!!!
I just ordered this on netflix! what am i in for?!!! I'm excited!
gw-135 cw-189 height 5 8 age 30
Here's my favorite diet drink- water, vodka and fresh lemon. Here's the best way to order it at a bar " vodka, water and five lemon slices..." unfortunately most barsdon't havelemon water on hand. you gotta detox while you intox!
I could use some pals too!