

  • two hardboiled eggs and I'm good till lunch. they're just as fast as a shake when you bake them up ahead of time. Definitely go for good protein. It's made a huge difference in my desire to snack later in the day. the days i eat less protein for breakfast, I'm snacking like crazy.
  • i am a huge bread person myself, so i'm with you as far as my cravings. Our pasta is whole wheat now and all my breads are super healthy grainy whole wheat kinds. I'm working on cutting out just the "white flour". I'm thinking about trying to make my own yeast rolls, with whole wheat flour. obviously won't be as light as…
  • 50 lbs is a great goal! set it and work for it, you can do it!
  • There is nothing "wrong" with these people. they choose to parent differently than you do. I'm sorry you were uncomfortable breastfeeding your child, but the bond between the parent and the child that occurs with the act of breastfeeding goes beyond just providing them with breastmilk.
  • LOL!
  • [/quote] """I've sat down with them countless times, in therapy and in personal situations. Every time they act like I'm making it up. Like it never happened and that they are just supporting me or trying to get me to see my potential. I live with my boyfriend now but they still live only 5 minutes away and their opinion…
  • plan out a menu! this is the best advice i can give you. we live in ohio and it sounds like our food prices are not even remotely close. We have expensive farmers markets here in the city too :( when i plan out a menu, i use up all the food i buy and i only buy what's included in the menu. it's amazing how much money that…
  • I did Jillian Michaels for 3 months before I saw any results. I wasn't monitoring my food intake and so the changes that were happening were well hidden underneath all the weight i needed to lose. I noticed increased energy and more strength, but measurements and weight didn't change till I changed my diet. I haven't…
  • I was 27 with my twins, 30 with my 3rd and 33 with my 4th. We were the first of our friends to have kids, but not by much. The twins were a surprise souvenir from a vacation to celebrate my hubby going back to school to become a teacher. Starting a family will always throw your life some curves from your plans, enjoy the…
  • I do not have experience with the Wii program, but did Jillian Michael's shred for two months before I saw any difference. I definitely felt better and slept better during those two months, but it wasn't until i started seriously tracking my food intake and adding some additional cardio that I actually started to lose…
  • I went on it right out of college, about 14 years ago. I was on it for one year, I gained 20 lbs. Nobody warned me about the weight gain, it was just another item on the list of possible side effects. It was the first time in my life I gained weight without a serious change in my lifestyle. I was doing everything the same…
  • SW: 181 CW: 175 GW: 145