pk79 Member


  • Wow guys. Thanks for the links. I have to say, MFP's community seems much more active than WW's. Which is based on a community. So that's kind of strange.
  • Thanks for the tips. I think I have such high expectations because I had dropped so much weight before and then put this back on and it got incredibly frustrating. So maybe I need to relax a bit. But I don't think i can do the NO grains that Paleo enthusiasts preach for the long term, and I hate how ww hates fat.
  • Thanks Lindsey. It's true on the realistic expectations. I've had unrealistic expectations for several months now. Just this desperate desire to get this weight off. But it's already driven me insane, so it's time for a new strategy.
  • Thanks for the advice. 71lbs lost? Congratulations! I guess that my body is more carb sensitive than I originally thought and now I've added in fat. How do you get your fats?
  • Oh, so you're telling me I pretty much already know what's making me retain/ gain weight? :wink:
  • I hear you. Last time I did low cab I lost a lot of weight. This time around, I can't seem to get back in that place. Hang in there?