

  • Did really well yesterday. Started my TOM today, so i'm not going to weigh and get discouraged by it. On track for today too! Good job everyone!
  • This morning my scale said I gained a pound. I did fine on my calories etc yesterday, got more than my water in, so i'm bumed out. I am back having my 14 hour days with work and school, so my exercise is harder to get in again. Hopefully that pound will go away by tomorrow...I'm getting close to starting my maybe…
  • Eating at Restaurants KILLS me. I didn't go out to eat Saturday or Sunday and i lost a little weight over the weekend (which normally I would have gone out maybe once). I'm with ya, it doesn't matter what I do it always catches up with your not alone by any means!
  • Oh i totally understand. I've learned that if its bad in my drawer, or someone else's drawer, I'll eat it. So, i have tried to be really good to only have healthy stuff in the fridge and drawer at work. The treats people make and bring in are the worst for me!
  • Give it a few more days and i'm sure you will lose. Our bodies all are different and do things different. Don't get too've lost 24 lbs so far!!!
  • I had a great weekend! Weekends are always hardest for me. I have lost .3, which isn't much but i'm SO excited. I havn't lost anything for the last few weeks. Shannahrose...GREAT job...3 lbs thats awesome! :)
  • Please don't worry after 3 days. Our bodies are all different and it takes more time for weight to come off and less for others. Relax and keep doing what your doing. I wouldn't weigh every day....once a week is probably best. Don't get discouraged!
  • I went over my calories yesterday, but then decided I needed to work out so I was then ok. I worked out for 75 minutes and it felt SOO good. Even pushed my self with everything I was doing. I have a lot of stress and different things happening in my life right now, and i'm trying hard not to turn to food, but to work out!…
  • Well the scale doesn't show a loss..but I feel really good about what i'm doing. I am hoping one of these days it will just JUMP down! :) Good job everyone, ya'll are doing great!
  • I am doing alright. Will get my work in today. Only got a little in yesterday. Good job everyone! Seems like the scales are really moving for most of you. I can't say mine is going down fast...but it is going down. Have a great day everyone!
  • I did well yesterday. Got some strength training in and 50 minutes on an incline on the treadmill. I havn't lost anything for this challenge yet, but i'm feeling good and know I will! Nice job everyone...Keep it up!!
  • Amazing story! Very inspiring! PS I also really like your verse, its a great one! :smile:
  • I know exactly what you mean! I was just thinking about this the other day and told some of my friends and family...i was shocked at how much some foods are. At least we are more aware now...sometimes still tough to make the right knowing or being more aware defentely makes me stop and think!
  • thank you! I'll have to try this method.
  • I'm not sure about your question...but everyone has a tougher time on weekens...or most of us, me included! Maybe get some extra work out in that day. I don't think it is great to double your calories though...Don't give up and stick with it!
  • My weekend wasn't terrible, but wasn't amazing. I didn't weigh this morning but i will tomorrow probably and i'll know how i'm doing. Weekends are a lot harder for me. About to go fill up my water...never would have done that at 6:45am before this site :smile: Have a great day everyone!
  • I hate it too! It seems like men ALWAYS take the weight off faster. Its not fair at all!
  • I had a friend that did it. It worked really well for her, and she followed the diet really closely. She did say though that some of the side effects as in bodily functions were very unpleasant, but she lost a good amount of weight. I guess it is kind of a trade off...I dunno.
    in ALLI Comment by ness13hill March 2009
  • Great Job! :smile:
  • I did SUPER well with my exercise yesterday...but didn't make the greatest food choices. I know it was dumb. Today is a new day, I am going to make the food choices and get a good work out in today and this weekend. Have a wonderful Friday everyone!
  • I got my work out, but didn't make the best food choices today! So I understand what your sayin. Glad mom and baby are doing well! I'll still keep them in my prayers. i'll be an aunt for the first time in August...its not the ultimate situation...its a long story...but i'm excited for the baby! Have a great…
  • I found this article on MSN today called "America's Portion Distortion". Just thought it was interesting and thought ya'll might too. Here is the link below: Its things most people 'know' but still do. I personally can always use a good…
  • If you can't do that many its fine...someone just said that was their goal during this challenge to do 17 days of exercise and asked if others wanted to do that too.
  • Well today I went for a 20 min walk on my break. I'll go to the gym after work and do the treadmill and some weights. Yesterday all i got in was a walk on my break....but better than nothing! You'll make your goal of being out of the 240's by saturday forsure! :smile:
  • Oh for sure it is difficult to stay on track in the evenings. I do GREAT durning the day up until about 6 or 7, them I struggle with what to eat for dinner/what my family is eating. A tip: I just cut my self off about 8. Set a time where you know you can't eat anything else, and drink some water instead.
  • Theresa & Chrissy...Yesterday ended up being a rest day for me also. It was nice to take some sort of break but will get back on it today! :smile: Opera Bound...I am sorry about your sister in law. I will be praying for her and the baby. Hopefully she is in great hands and they will be able to stop the labor! I know about…
  • I am ready for another challenge! :) I am aiming for 5 pounds. Right now I have 4.7 to go to make it under 200 and I REALLY want to be under that! Good luck everyone. It is great to have such a big support group around. Look for the posts each day to post how your doing etc.
  • I started this challenge at 209 and am at 204.7. So I lost 4.3 pounds. Wanted 5, but i'll take what I can get! :) Great job everyone! I am read for the next challenge.
  • Had my final today! No biology for 2 weeks Wooohoo! :smile: Hope ya'll that have finals coming up do well!
  • AWESOME JOB!!! 8 pounds thats amazing!! :smile: :smile: I agree with you on another challenge.....i don't think i'll head it up...but i would love to have another one!