

  • I can relate! I work in an insurance office for the past 28 years and there is always a birthday, wedding or baby shower, company celebration to dodge. I have found by logging everything I can have a small serving of something at these events and because I first eat a good breakfast at home, then pack my lunch and all my…
  • I have been there and drove myself crazy until I just started MFP and realized that I can lose weight while still having a half serving of grains (whole grains) at each meal along with the other low carb foods. Then I firmly believe you have to exercise. It doesn't have to be drastic. I started with Jillian Michaels DVD…
  • I haven't lost a significant amount yet but I am seeing steady weight loss since really sticking to MFP and setting my calories at 1200. I am on daily logging everything and try not to eat my exercise calories as much as possible. I do 15 mins a day of strength training and 30 mins of freestyle dancing. It is working so…
  • I have found that the first three weeks of working out I put on muscle weight and the scale just does not move. But I went down a pants size. Then I got stuck and came back to my fitness pal after really never using it. I started using the food diary and was surprised that I was not eating enough. I was sure before that I…