Low carb or calories, which is best? which will work?



  • kuntry_navySD
    kuntry_navySD Posts: 106 Member
    I always had faster results with low carb, but seem to retain more muscle with low calorie
  • martinel2099
    martinel2099 Posts: 899 Member

    Just try 10 minutes to start out. I convinced myself that I didn't have time for exercise too. After thinking about it though, I had to admit I could come up with 10 minutes in my day for some type of exercise. When I succeeded with 10 minutes I was able to up it to 15 minutes on occasion. Set your goal to a time limit you can live with then remember that you are getting in 10 minutes more than you used to which will definitely add up over time. Good luck with your goals!!!

    I could find time I suppose if I woke up earlier, although I will say I have never been able to stick with exercising first thing in the morning, and can't understand those that do. My body is too sluggish and I feel sick because either I haven't eaten yet, or I have just eaten. As for the rest of my day, I wake at 6am, get my kids and myself ready, off to work for 8:30, done at 3:30, have 30 minutes to change clothing and try to throw together an appropriate "supper" to take to job #2, then work 4-10pm. Home by 10:30pm, prepare my meal for the next days lunch and in bed by 11 - 11:30pm. In less than two weeks that will change and I will have my evenings free again, so I'm sure I can find time then.

    If you're a slow starter don't wake up early in the morning to go workout. Many experts believe it's better to workout first thing in the morning as it sets the tempo for the rest of the day by boosting your metabolism. Problem with waking up in the morning is it's very easy to push the snooze button and say forget about it which is an easy way to give up on a diet all together. Trust me I've tried this, I know better now.

    Better option- Work out in the evening after work or squeeze in a quick lunch workout if you have a membership close by the office (or in). You might be tired or have had a long day, but you're already awake and up and about, no snooze button here :P.

    Frankly, I'm not a morning person and you'll never get my butt up at 4 or 5am to get in a workout, my bed is too cozy for that nonsense.
  • Joanne_Moniz
    Joanne_Moniz Posts: 347 Member
    So I've been working on losing weight for a few months now. I started just watching calories and lost 4 lbs slowly over a few months, then went to low carb.I lost great my first 2 weeks - 13 lbs. Then for the last 6 weeks, I've consistently lost one more pound and have gone up and down between another 2. 1 lb in 6 weeks does not seem good to me??

    I am also finding low carb very restrictive. I would like to go back to counting calories, but I'm afraid it won't work. Now the thing is, by going low carb I have also managed to cut calories. I am usually under what MFP tells me should lose me about a pound a week. So how have I only lost 1 lb in 6 weeks??

    Low carb isn't working. Low calorie isn't working. How do I get one of these methods to work?

    just took a look, now that your diary is open..Run a report on your sugar and you will see that your sugar is a BIG part of the problem, if not all of it...

  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    So I've been working on losing weight for a few months now. I started just watching calories and lost 4 lbs slowly over a few months, then went to low carb.I lost great my first 2 weeks - 13 lbs. Then for the last 6 weeks, I've consistently lost one more pound and have gone up and down between another 2. 1 lb in 6 weeks does not seem good to me??

    I am also finding low carb very restrictive. I would like to go back to counting calories, but I'm afraid it won't work. Now the thing is, by going low carb I have also managed to cut calories. I am usually under what MFP tells me should lose me about a pound a week. So how have I only lost 1 lb in 6 weeks??

    Low carb isn't working. Low calorie isn't working. How do I get one of these methods to work?

    just took a look, now that your diary is open..Run a report on your sugar and you will see that your sugar is a BIG part of the problem, if not all of it...


    Sugar is not the problem.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    So I've been working on losing weight for a few months now. I started just watching calories and lost 4 lbs slowly over a few months, then went to low carb.I lost great my first 2 weeks - 13 lbs. Then for the last 6 weeks, I've consistently lost one more pound and have gone up and down between another 2. 1 lb in 6 weeks does not seem good to me??

    I am also finding low carb very restrictive. I would like to go back to counting calories, but I'm afraid it won't work. Now the thing is, by going low carb I have also managed to cut calories. I am usually under what MFP tells me should lose me about a pound a week. So how have I only lost 1 lb in 6 weeks??

    Low carb isn't working. Low calorie isn't working. How do I get one of these methods to work?

    just took a look, now that your diary is open..Run a report on your sugar and you will see that your sugar is a BIG part of the problem, if not all of it...


    No it is not. But people telling her that sugar, or carbs in general are the problem, could very well create a problem.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I eat low carb, and my calories automatically fall into place. I'm not starving because I'm eating full fats and more protein, but I have more room to work with because I'm not eating 450 calories of bread in one sitting. I like the "if it fits my macros", because then yes I will have a bagel with fried eggs after a workout, because I still have carb macros that I can use. I love to eat, and it makes more sense to me if I can cut carbs because then I get more calories to play with. *Note, I lift heavy and only do 30 minutes of cardio a day.
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    If you can accept the restrictions, Low Carb works, I mean it did extremely well for you in the first weeks! Congratulations on that. It's working for me better than anything else ever did. There must be something else. Are you not eating enough and put your body in metabolic hibernation state? Cheat days are supposed to be good once a week to prevent this, sort of like a metabolism reset. Are you eating breakfast within 30 minutes of waking with lots of fiber & protein? Are you keeping up with water intake? Are you using artificial sweeteners? Milk, dairy and potatoes are all high carb. Other foods like hot dogs, sausages, any type of sauce (on meat) or store salad dressing usually all have sugar added. I was only able to find one brand of hot dog that has no sugar. I had to learn to use spices instead of sauces. It really takes a lot to figure out at first, but I am happy to give up my breads, sweets and flour to feel full everyday. It's a personal choice of course. I could eat a lot more calories if I burned them off; but I don't love doing cardio so I would have to eat like a bird. Low Carb and weight training is my choice of attack. That's another thing that is supposed to help: weight training. Everytime you add muscle, that extra muscle burns more calories. You may want to consider weight training if all else seems good. :smile: Good Luck.

    I don't know if I was eating enough, really, how can you tell if you are metabolic hibernation, ya know? I didn't always eat within 30 minutes of waking, since there wasn't time, usually it was within an hour to 1.5 hours so that I had time to cook something. I did eat some pepperoni sticks, but they were gluten free, no fillers, nothing in the ingredients I couldn't pronounce, lol. I used mayo and dill weed instead of store bought dressings the majority of the time. I never used sauces, only spices. (I usually cook that way anyway). No breads or flour, and I managed to cut sweets for a lot of that 8 weeks, but started slipping the last 2 weeks because frankly I felt deprived and I wasn't getting results anyway. I think I had a really good grasp on what I could and couldn't eat.
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    Oh my.........get rid of the pop/soda and change your desserts to fresh fruit.
    Instead of pineapple bread pudding...enjoy some fresh pineapple (not canned).
    Start with small changes and it will all come together for you. :)

    I'm not sure whose diary you are referring to, but it certainly is not mine. You will not find any pop at all in it, or bread pudding.... (although this weekend I did indulge in desserts, lol)
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member

    hahahah! You make it sound like I ate all of those every day! LOL! the cupcake was a one time thing on Thursday, I was feeling discouraged and thought "screw it". As for the other days, yes I ate a BCP with either eggs or a MIM - the general consensus on the low carb boards was I was not incorporating enough fat, so I added it to my coffee. I hadn't been doing that for too long.

    LOL, but the point remains that BPC is an adequate breakfast for many - as opposed to BPC plus other things.

    I can't understand from your diary what you're trying to do any more, I see zero fat items and lean meats.

    I didn't say BPC wasn't an adequate breakfast, and I'm sure it is for many, but it wasn't for me since I needed more fat. If I just did the BPC and did not eat my eggs with cream, cheese and butter - I would have still been low on fats.

    As for what I am doing now, this weekend I did try to watch calories, but I didn't monitor much where they came from, and indulged in many treats I had been missing. Going forward, I am counting calories, and trying my best to make them quality calories. I used lean meats because that is what I have always eaten, zero fat items because that is what was in my fridge. I didn't like the feeling I had with all the fat in my diet before - it felt so heavy.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    18 lbs. is a good amount of weigh to lose in a short amount of time. It's not uncommon for people on low carb diets to lose quickly at first because you are losing some water weight. My husband lost 18 lbs in 6 wks on a low carb diet (then gained it back). After a while, though the weight comes off more slowly, a lb. a week or so, typical of most diets.

    Like most posters, I believe in the calories in calories out philosophy, but the calories should be quality calories. I checked your diary out, and you do eat a lot of dessert -- ice cream and cheesecake in the same day for example, although it "fits in" to your calorie goals. You also have a pretty high daily calorie goal for a woman who is dieting and not active, although if you're a bigger person, that's probably appropriate for you. The other question is how close to you to your goal weight or a weight within your healthy BMI range because the closer you get to the goal, the harder it gets to lose. At that point, you may need some extra activity to get things going.
  • icaniwill56
    Calorie count has worked for me. I do not want to be restricted to low carbs all my life. Just make it a lifestyle, which means you will have up and downs, but do not give up.
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    I'm looking at your diary and girl you ain't gonna lose nothing with the food you're eating...Yeah you're watching your calories but you aren't watching a hole lot of nothing else, if that, because you have lots of blanks and missing info. I also see you're missing exercise another key component to weight loss...just stating the facts, don't take it personal but until you're truthful with yourself and add exercise to your regimen you may stay stagnant at your weight.
  • jamiesokd
    jamiesokd Posts: 99 Member
    I'm looking at your diary and girl you ain't gonna lose nothing with the food you're eating...Yeah you're watching your calories but you aren't watching a hole lot of nothing else, if that, because you have lots of blanks and missing info. I also see you're missing exercise another key component to weight loss...just stating the facts, don't take it personal but until you're truthful with yourself and add exercise to your regimen you may stay stagnant at your weight.

    Putting in the disclaimer "don't take it personal but..." pretty much insures that it is a personal remark....

    If you had taken the time to read through the thread before replying you would have seen where I mentioned that I have been eating like crap the last few days, that I watched calories and nothing else for the weekend as I ate all the foods I felt deprived of so that I could start fresh today without those cravings hanging over my head.

    As for blanks and missing info, I'm not sure what you are referring to? If a section is blank, it means I ate nothing at that time - it does not mean I was lazy or "untruthful" as you suggest. In fact I am quite the opposite - I have logged everything I have eaten - that is why you will see all my not so good choices this weekend. ;) If I were going to be untruthful, I wouldn't have included those things at all.

    You also would have seen where I stated that I have not been exercising because at the moment I don't have the time. I work 8:30am to 10pm at two jobs, and am not allowed to leave my work for lunch or supper breaks (I am paid supervision during those times). I have fitted it in where I could - you will see some cleaning, some walking and a bit of strength this weekend. at the moment that is all I can do and still have time to sleep.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I'm looking at your diary and girl you ain't gonna lose nothing with the food you're eating...Yeah you're watching your calories but you aren't watching a hole lot of nothing else, if that, because you have lots of blanks and missing info. I also see you're missing exercise another key component to weight loss...just stating the facts, don't take it personal but until you're truthful with yourself and add exercise to your regimen you may stay stagnant at your weight.

    Actually, she IS going to lose with the foods she is eating because she is watching calories. If a person burns 2000 and eats 1500 calories worth of lard per day and nothing else, they would still lose around a pound a week. Would it be the best choice? Not exactly. But when it comes to weight loss, the body can't tell the difference between chicken breast and mars bars.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    Just sayin' .... sometimes, I'll go a few days and eat some junk and say "I don't eat that all the time" or "It's just the weekend," but I find it becomes a trend. This especially happens after a holiday or family events. For instance, we had Easter, 2 birthdays, and a graduation in the past two weeks. After a few of these occasions, sometimes I "get used" to having treats that should be occasional, just because the stuff is around the house. The takeaway from this is to be honest about what you eat and what is occasional and what is becoming habitual.

    For instance, I didn't log this week-end because I ate out Saturday, and had a graduation on Sunday (and yes, I had a piece of cheesecake on Sunday). That being said, I'm not going to look for any results on the scale today and complain because I don't see them. Also, for a woman to "burn 2000 calories," she would have to be either a larger woman or an active woman. I'm 5'2" and my TDEE is around 1500. To lose very slowly -- .5 a week, I have to eat 1200. I eat 1300 or more only if I have some extra activity.
  • tbogart1
    tbogart1 Posts: 4
    I have been there and drove myself crazy until I just started MFP and realized that I can lose weight while still having a half serving of grains (whole grains) at each meal along with the other low carb foods. Then I firmly believe you have to exercise. It doesn't have to be drastic. I started with Jillian Michaels DVD but she gets up and down too much and I have a badly damaged foot. So I picked out all the strength training moves I liked and could do, made my own 15 min routine to do once a day. For cardio I like to dance so I just dance to music I like for 30 mins a day. I am steadily losing weight now and feel that I have finally broken the plateau I was on from all the low carb dieting. I think low carb dieting lowers your metabolism and you lose muscle weight which slows your metabolism. I feel so much better at work, have more energy and can concentrate better. Hope this helps, just my two cents. Feel free to add me as a friend. Good luck! :-)
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    But when it comes to weight loss, the body can't tell the difference between chicken breast and mars bars.

    Yes it can. Protein and carbs don't behave the same in the body and higher protein diets win most clinical shootouts.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    But when it comes to weight loss, the body can't tell the difference between chicken breast and mars bars.

    Yes it can. Protein and carbs don't behave the same in the body and higher protein diets win most clinical shootouts.

    Read: "when it comes to weight loss"
    Yes they behave differently, and produce different parameters and body composition, but for that specific purpose other than protein creating better satiety there is no significant difference in actual weight loss produced.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Read: "when it comes to weight loss"
    Yes they behave differently, and produce different parameters and body composition, but for that specific purpose other than protein creating better satiety there is no significant difference in actual weight loss produced.

    As I said, weight / fat loss is better in higher protein diets in many studies, and seldom if ever worse.

    For example, http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/25/3/425.full "women on the HP diet lost significantly more total (5.3 vs. 2.8 kg, P=0.009) and abdominal (1.3 vs. 0.7 kg, P=0.006) fat compared with the women on the LP diet, whereas, in men, there was no difference in fat loss between diets (3.9 vs. 5.1 kg). Total lean mass decreased in all subjects independently of diet composition." HP = High protein, LP = low protein higher carb.
  • kateangel2312
    kateangel2312 Posts: 242 Member
    I've tried low carbing but I feel like I can't function so I eat normally and lose weight anyway. I eat an average of 2400 a day