mismgl83 Member


  • Welcome adn good luck! MFP has been a great tool for me to keep motivated. I got to the same point where I was just tired of being unhappy with the way I looked, feeling unhealthy and unable to fit into my clothes. Now, almost 5 months later and 15lbs lighter, I feel great! I haven't reached my goal yet but I like how I…
  • This sounds amazing, thanks for sharing! But a caution....I put this in the recipe calorie counter and depending on the brand of oats you use the calories jump as high as 96 but not lower than 87. I could not get it to work out to 74 calories/cookie.
  • I guess no one has any suggestions=) Just keep doing what I'm doing, as long as I'm losing that's all that matters
  • I have been drinking soy milk and eating soy based products (tofu. yogurt, etc.) for over 4 years ever since I was diagnosed with IBS. I have never had a problem and have looked into the various reasons why there have been reports that soy can be bad, however I have never found evidence of such. I have read as someone…
  • thanks for the ideas! Definitely going to get a grinder and use the flax seeds in PB.
  • I saw that one too and have been meaning to try it. I've put it as an appointment on my calendar so I get a reminder later...tomorrow, I'm having frozen banana with peanut butter! Thanks for the reminder!
  • I did a quick Google search and on SELF magazine.com they have it listed a 4g for 1 cup of brown rice, below is the link. Hope this helps! http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/cereal-grains-and-pasta/5707/2
  • I ran cross country track and field in Highschool and suffered from really bad shin splints. I managed the pain by doing the following: 1. Running on soft surfaces like dirt or turf 2. Stretching - when you stretch your hamstring by bending you leg back and holding your foot, pull back further until you aren't stretching…
  • Welcome and Good Luck! This is a great tool to managing and losing weight.:smile:
  • Welcome to MFP! Its a great community and support system, I think you'll love it. Good Luck!
  • I experience the same thing on days where I haven't reached my fiber goals. Like most other people suggested, try more protein and fiber along with plenty of water and you should stay fuller longer. If that isn't working and you're still hungry have a healthy snack like fruit or veggies so that you're caloric intake isn't…
  • If I've completed a really hard workout I use some of the exyta calories because your body needs the extra calories to repair and itself, however I always try to stay under the calorie level, extra or not. I particularly focus on getting extra protein by eating lean means after working out with some veggies.
  • thanks for the article!
  • I've had it for awhile and its a lot of fun. I only saw small results but I also did not follow the entire program that they recommened. I am thinking about starting up again to switch my workout routine up because it is fun. I also really like zumba but I've only ever gone to classes. never the DVD. Good Luck!
  • Welcome to MFP! I am the same way and have found this to be a great way tool to keep me in check and motivated. Good Luck!
  • I started taking a zumba class in the summer and had a lot of fun. The first time I was really uncoordinated but just tried to keep up with the moves as much as possible. If I couldn't get the move down I'd modify it and just keep moving to keep my heart rate up. Sometimes the teacher would also just switch moves if she…
  • TennVolsGal - I am definitely going to try the honey wheat bread, thanks for the suggestion! I would also prefer bread over sweets....my perfect meal would be a nice crusty italian bread, assorted cheeses and a glass of cabernet so I totally get it!:wink:
  • Welcome and goodluck! I love MFP, its really a great way to keep track of what you're eating, even if you have a bad day (it happens!). I am working out with a trainer too and am loving that as well, there is nothing better than someone pushing you to do more or work harder. -MM:smile:
  • Thanks for the support!