mariethai Member


  • Exciting! Any conflicts with partners/husbands on whether to find out gender or to not find out? Currently, I don't - but he does .... Think we may have to toss a coin! Contemplated letting him find out and not telling me but then it's too tempting - do I buy the pink or the blue... :smile:
  • Hi, Due December 28th with my first baby - group with a thread would be awesome! Enjoying my restored energy levels after the first trimester fatigue, headaches, nausea and generally feeling like crap ;)
  • Pregnancy hunger - nothing like it! I'm just over 14 weeks and get quite emotional when I don't have food when I need it... I cried the other night when my partner had dinner on the table 15 minutes late - it was a long 15 minutes... Porridge has been my saviour - you know the small Uncle Toby bags you heat up in the…
  • Thanks for the suggestions :) Been thinking about Zumba as I love the buzz from exercise - I'm hooked on endorphins... !! Will check out a class this week - though the reason I love yoga so much is that it requires no rhythm - something I can at times struggle with. Week 14 and gained approximately a kg - though feels like…
  • Hi I'm Marie and am 14 weeks exactly today, I haven't used my fitness pal for years but was feeling a little out of control with the cravings and just wanted to keep a rough estimate of how much I need and how much I think I need! I have been entering for two weeks and feeling a lot better about myself and making some…
  • I'm the exact opposite! I'm picking at my friends french fries! It drives my boyfriend crazy (he likes his french fries) !!!
  • From what I understand the pills influence on weight depends upon how much estrogen is in the pill. Generally alot of contraceptive pills these days have very limited effect on weight loss, however if you have one that is high in estrogen (for example contraceptive pills that are used for skin problems, such as acne) it…
  • Sweet potatos do have lower calories than normal potatos, what I make at the moment is a current favourite with me and my boyfriend. Its a soup but very thick, not watery! (I dont like watery soups..!) 2 large Sweet potato 4 med Potato 750 ml of chicken stock 1 onion some garlic some finely chopped ginger (I use quite a…
  • I hate evenings as well! I try to make sure I don't eat with the things that I do to relax, e.g. watching Tv or reading. If I do that I think I start associating eating with relaxing, sounds weird but when I watch TV or read I try to enjoy the doing nothing of it.. Also its about breaking habits, habits are hard to break…
  • Red wine... Probably not the healthiest solution, but I think it meets that dark chocolate craving...
  • Garlic salt !!!!!!!!!!
  • Thanks!! Off to the candy machine in an effort to improve my health!
  • 1. This will be the last one ever, I'll start my chocolate free self tomorrow... 2. I deserve if because ... (it's Monday, Tuesday, ....Friday, a nice sunny day, a cloudy horrible day,....) 3. Lifes too short ... (!) To name but a few :smile:
  • What strategies does everyone use to resist the urge, to say no to that second helping, the chocolate biscuit, the fast food... (the diet demons :devil: ....!) I've developed a few, and thought perhaps we could share different ideas as mine dont work perfectly or all the time!!! 1. Chewing gum, as soon as I've finished…
  • Mmmm I love marmite! Have you tried marmite with sliced apple on a salt and vinegar rice puff crackers? But nothing beats melting butter dotter with marmite (or marmite and cheese... ). I had a friend who ate marmite and honey - now that was a sticky but sweet combination. (But it can't be vegemite!)
  • Wow! My supermarket has recently stocked garlic and chilli dried peas in their bulk bins. Only around 389kj (approx 90-100 calories) per 100 grams. They are very high in fibre, really fill me up and leave me feeling content and satisfied when I finished eating with no desire to snack or eat beyond my calorie limit. Highly…
  • 1 Cup of Kellogs All Bran 1 pottle of low fat natural yoghurt 1 banana AND most importantly coffee and heaps of it!
  • Thanks Everyone, You confirmed what I already thought...I'll check out some running plans - its always good to have a guide. I used to have one about a year ago when I was training for a half marathon and then i just slipped back into running pretty much when ever and how ever I felt like... I think its time to up the…
  • Funny that - I actually missed a step the other day and fell flat on my face... luckilly there was no one around....
  • Hey Runners! What do you think? I've started to change my running routine a little - every second day i run 20 minutes, by which time I've reached some steps and then do two minutes of step running (just three steps..) and then I alternate between jogging, side stepping, and backwards running along this straight pathed…
  • Hi all, anyone tried the Healtheries Naturally Slim tea bags? What's the good and bad?
  • Thanks Angie! Checked it out on amazon and it looks great, running chi is on on its way... (As well as a new swim cap that has as super cool looking pirate skull on it!)
  • Me too! It was horrible, and being hungry all the time kept me constantly aware that I was on a diet, life became focused on feeling hungry!
  • "Chi Running" ?? It sounds kind of similar to tai chi - does it have any spiritual aspect to it?. The reason I ask is yesterday I did what i call 'mindful running' I begin running and then focus all my attention on my feet, how they feel, visualise what they should be doing, and adjust them until they feel perfect, and…
  • Two days in a row of no late night snacks and my calories have been spot on!! Feeling optimistic and in control!
  • Just saw this link, day 1 for me! Im going to try drawing (or learn how to cross stitch) to keep my mind and hands busy late at night and to stop the inevitable walk to the fridge (I swear it calls my name sometimes!!!!)
  • 'but that thing is going to be hanging up from my Armoire until it fits!!! ' I love your determination! Why are middles always so spongy? I feel if I ever (no, when I wear) a bikini I wont be able to eat or drink while I do so and my stomach will get sore holding my stomach in (or worse yet I forget to hold my stomach in…
  • Just to put you straight - its rare that its warm enough for a bikini where I come from - it rains alot through summer (sometimes more than winter!) But there are some nice days! But I am starting to feel optimistic about the bikini and the sun!
  • Is there anyone else down under in the southern hemisphere contemplating in buying a bikini for the summer?? I am, and am thinking it may be a waste of money... Or motivation to look good in it, keep to my calories and work out those abs!
  • Go to bed an hour or two earlier, the saying is that every hours sleep before midnight is worth two of an hour slept after midnight. For me it holds true. Force yourself to get up early for a couple of weeks and then it becomes more natural to wake up earlier, and subseqeuntly to go to bed earlier. And you could try…