

  • Dang girl!! You did such an amazing job!! Our stories are a little bit similar -- I think we're about the same age, we started this journey around the same time, I'm also short (only 5'0"), and it's taken me a long while to make it here too. But I'm no where near as close to my goal as you are. I definitely still have a…
  • I'm going to try this! I think I can physically do 150, I just have to find the time!
  • My boyfriend knows my weight, and celebrates every pound I lose. I know his as well, and do the same for him. We share everything with each other, so we might as well share a weight loss journey with each other too!
  • My Zumba instructor tells us usually how many calories we burn in a 1-hour session. Then I add in my own activity for Zumba. We typically burn anywhere between 550-600 in an intense 1-hour session. So I will usually just input 575 almost every time.
    in Zumba Comment by halierenee July 2012