

  • 1 pound = 3500 calories 44 pounds = 154,000 calories That's A LOT of food you'd have to eat!
  • We just got back from our walk. We decided to go until the dogs were done. After an hour, they actually laid down in the middle of the road! Dave ended up carrying Luey the last half block. (She weighs 15 pounds.) Georgia is 115 pounds and even though she was ready to die the last 15 minutes , there was no way Dave could…
  • Hello everyone I guess I'm Robin! But a more manly cool robin. I justed wanted to wish everyone good luck. This is my first time trying to loose wieght since I got out of the navy almost five years ago. I figured it was time since my hot wife who just gave birth four months ago has already lost here baby wieght, and if I…