Angebartle Member


  • I play in net typically 4 to 5 times a week..sometimes more :) Anyone know of some good off ice workouts for goalies?
  • I haven't tried this one yet but it looks yummy. For the main pizza "crust" they used sweet potatos! They just baked them (about an hour) cut them like potato skins and smashed down the filling and then topped it with pizza sauce and all the fixings they wanted. I'm trying it the weekend see how it goes. If I want a quick…
    in Pizza! Comment by Angebartle July 2012
  • Once I got the all clear last April from my Doc I have been going mad with everything I could get into A typical week is as follows: Sunday - 2 games of ice hockey (goalie) Monday- Ball hockey (goalie) Thursday - ice hockey (sometimes out sometimes in net) Friday - ice hockey out Plus I would go to the gym at least 3 times…
  • I haven't been told I have PCOS. How did your wife find out? Are there tests you can do to find out?
  • I'm not sure how your day shapes up but try doing cardio or weights early in the am then do the other later on in the PM. It may give your body a bit of a rest. I have a friend that is a health nut and built like crazy, she does one or the other in the morning and then goes back after dinner. If she is pressed for time in…
  • What are you doing for your weight training? Two hours at the gym may be a little too much if you are not refueling your body after an hour. I was told ( and I would love some feedback to see if it is right) that if you do it right 1 hour at the gym is plenty. I was told heavier weights with shorter reps with minmal breaks…
  • Just took a quick look at your food intake. I think trying breakfast will help. I see you usually only drink coffee and your first meal isn't until lunch. Also try for a snack mid morning an apple or some crackers and low fat cheese. Add me as a friend if you like. I as well am having trouble and any advice would help!
  • I just took a quick look at your diary and it looks like you may need to bump up your breakfast. Try some grains and protein in with the fruit. I am not a morning person and it kills me to eat breakfast but starting today I'm making a pack with myself to try my best to get a good meal in the am. When I do I feel better and…