When I get munchy late in the evening, it's just better for me to go to bed. After I've slept I have lots more will power in the morning.
Hi, I finally decided to get serious about getting in shape with the new year. I'm 62 and newly retired. Have just over 100 lbs to loose but am down 9 lb since Jan. 1. Been working out every day with a goal of at least 30 minutes aerobic exercise per day. Targeting a weight loss of about 1-1.5 lb per week so considering…
East more bulk foods and liquids. Bulk foods are those that have a lot of water content like raw vegetables and fresh fruit. Recently my favorite dinner has been home made turkey rice soup. Starts with about 2-3 cups of home made turkey broth (skimmed off all of the fat of course), add 1/2 cup rice and 3 ounces of roast…
Just remember that there are few things so obnoxious as a reformed "fill in the blank". Concentrate on your own journey.