jess1430 Member


  • I did Nutrisystem about a year ago. While I lost nearly 10 lbs in just two weeks, I thought the food was terrible and I couldn't make myself eat half of the meals I had ordered! Granted i'm a picky eater, but like others have said, I don't have a problem with Lean Cuisines and Smart Ones. To me that means the Nutrisystem…
  • That's a great question, and something i'm still trying to figure out myself. I read in one of Jillian Michaels' books that if you know the amount of calories you need to average per day to lose weight, it can be better to eat a different amount each day. For example, if my goal is 1400 calories a day, so some days I might…
  • I used to weigh in on my wii board occassionally to compare it to my scale (which is not digital). The wii usually weighed me 5 lbs or so lighter than the actual scale. However, I found that the scale at my doctors office was closer to the wii result than the scale I had at home. I do think a suit vs. a tshirt could…
  • I wish you the best of luck! I also have about 75 lbs to lose, and find this site to be a great resource. I just need to find the motivation to stick with it! I do well for a week or two, then totally splurge and sabotage myself. I hope to find friends, support, and the will power to stay with it this time! And…
  • Hi there! I think it's great that you are reaching out and looking to give and receive support. I'd love to be included! I have about 75 lbs to lose to get to a "healthy" weight range. I usually manage to lose about 15lbs and then sabotage myself, but I think i'm finally ready to stick with it! I will need all of the help…
  • That's amazing...good for her! I love hearing stories like that, it really puts things in perspective.
    in Inspired Comment by jess1430 June 2010
  • Thank you all for the kind words of encouragement, and the advice! Much appreciated :smile: