Back on the Wagon

I stumbled across this site to look for a free online food tracker and it seems great. I've struggled with my weight all my life and have done the yo-yo business. Last year I took a real stab at it tracking my food, starting to *gasp* jog and lost 45lbs. Then I got a new job, sold my house, moved three times, worked 60 hour weeks and in about 6months have gained about 20lbs back.

I'm proud of my previous success and can't wait to get back into it. My crazy life transition has settled down and I'm ready to get back into the swing of things. My over all goal is to weigh 175lbs and am currently around 75lbs from my goal.

I'm looking for support and friends to keep me accountable...a little friendly competition always keeps me on track.

Gwendolyn :)


  • kelek7
    kelek7 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Gwendolyn! Sounds like you've had a hectic few months! You did awesome before and I know you will definitely get to your ultimate goal. I just sent you a friend request!
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    Same story here. . .I had lost about 60 lbs and gained 20 back. . .but I managed to gain that 20 back in about 3 months plus no life changes for me. . .just laziness. So just think. . it could always be worse. . lol :) But like you, I am now back on track and have stuck with it for over a whole week now thanks to MFP & the great friends I've made here plus some great friends I have in real-life too who are doing this journey with me!! I sent you a friend request, btw :smile: Much happiness & success to you on this journey. . .I know you can do it!!
  • jess1430
    jess1430 Posts: 9 Member
    I wish you the best of luck! I also have about 75 lbs to lose, and find this site to be a great resource. I just need to find the motivation to stick with it! I do well for a week or two, then totally splurge and sabotage myself. I hope to find friends, support, and the will power to stay with it this time! And competition....sounds fun =)