KerstZab Member


  • That is awesome! keep up the good work. I am right behind you.
  • I'm right there with you... I know it is a problem, I've decided that my extra weight has a ton to do with the drinking and not feeling well enough to get off of the couch to work out. I don't drink much during the week, but holy weekend hell!
    in Goals? Comment by KerstZab January 2012
  • We do a large family Christmas Eve Party... my family makes me crazy! I can say my goals will not be met. UG
  • 3 glasses of wine...
    in Goals? Comment by KerstZab December 2011
  • I drink red wine... I usually have a couple when I go out. I'm a marketing/business development person. My job is to socialize and I have trouble dealing with social situations (you would think its not a good job for me to have, but after a few drinks I am part of the party and don't know a stranger). I need to find a way…
  • If you have room for one more, I too would like to join your group. My career includes going to many dinner and after hour events that are killing me slowly. It also makes it hard to want to get up and work out in the morning!
  • May I join the next group please!