emmaskye15 Member


  • I made an appointment with a dietician 10th of Feb. I am really scared about doing this as I have been under a dietician before and she put me on 1200 calories too see how much weight I could lose quickly! I was working as a ski instructor at the time. I literally wanted to eat the children. I will see how it goes and see…
  • For sure! I just never have been in maintenance before. I don't even know what that would be with limited exercise as I am on low calories any way.
  • I love the Victoria Secret Knock Out Tights! I am from New Zealand and I bought one pair when I was in Canada recently and regret not buying 10x more pairs! They are thick, non shiny, do not pill, not see through and AMAZING! They are a pair of tights that hold everything in place when you are working out and I love that!…
  • Im here :) 27 Christchurch :smile:
  • The muscle and fat mass is done by this bia analysis. I know there is alot of discrepancies in this method of testing but that's ok I'm only starting out with this journey. I'm ok with any measurable results as long as I can see positive change ☺ I can visibly see muscle growth in my upper body and losses in my lower body…
  • Hey neohdiver do you know how to work out the one that has not been fully completed yet though?
  • :smile: Thank you mkakids!! Any imput is awesome!
  • Haha ^^^^^ This! Perfect! This is exactly what I wanted! Yeah I am travelling overseas at Christmas and I would love a shot at the cash from my boss!! Thank you!!!
  • Ohhhh I really like the idea of Hummus! I haven't really ever got into this so maybe I should give this a whirl!!! I saw at New World yesterday new packets in the chip aisle "Apple Chips Zapps" 15gm packets for 56 Calories :smile:
  • I added you both :smile:
  • Hey Team I have just upgraded to a Fitbit Charge HR and have my used Fitbit One that I am wanting to sell. I would like around $50 for it. It is in great condition the only thing that is missing is the sleep band (Cloth like band) that you put it in for sleeping. I lost that in the wash! If anyone would like a cheap…
  • Only thing I hated about my Fitbit was the fact that it counted my driving as steps. That was a huge put off for me. I do so much driving and that annoyed me. I have ended up with a Sony Life Log SWR10 I love it I want mine for steps more than anything. It still under estimates but better than counting my driving as steps.…
  • I am very aware that a magic pill or shake does not make you gain muscle! Bloody hard work and determination with correct eating does! I am sharing my experience with the product. I have been training and working out for months. I have seen my body shape change don't get me wrong. I have gained muscle mass whilst taking…
  • Sorry guys! Late to post this week! Havent had access to a proper computer! Starting Weight 10.9.13 - 86.00kgs 17.9.13 - 85.00kgs 24.9.13 - 84.80kgs 1.10.13 - 85.70kgs 8.10.13 - 85.50kgs 15.10.13 - 22.10.13 - 29.10.13- 5.11.13 - 12.11.13 - 19.11.13 - 26.11.13 3.12.13 - 10.12.13 - 17.12.13 Finishing Weight!!! Hope you are…
  • Thanks Lou means heaps x yeah its a pain but will have a cheat today then get back on track : ) Rangirose thats awesome congrats on getting into the 20s xx
  • Morning Guys Gals ! So im starting to feel really bad ive been working my *kitten* off and putting on weight I weighed in this morning at 86kgs.... where i started and was not impressed. So weighed in again and clocked in at 85.8kgs so took the lower weight. I just hope so badly that the weight I have gained is muscle cos…
  • If anyone is looking for some noodles that are very low in calories there are some hand made udon and ramen ones that you can get from most supermarkets in the noodle part they are all in japanese on the outside but on the back they have written on the back umf hand made noodles. They come in a black packet for udon and…
  • Rangirose you are doing awesome by the way well done xx
  • Hey guys and gals x well done for this week! ! I only did 200grams but that's okay. I have had a he'll of a week with my name falling very ill and going from hospital to a hospice : ( I do admit I emotionally ate and moving around the country has shaken up my routine back to it this week and hopefully a better loss next…
  • Yay so excited to have some new members! never too late to join :) KC its ok we all have those days :) and weeks tomorrow is another day :)
  • Yay its a weigh in day ladies x I hope your last week has gone really well and you feel a week better for it :) Starting Weight 10.9.13 - 86.00kgs 17.9.13 - 85.00kgs 24.9.13 - 1.10.13 - 8.10.13 - 15.10.13 - 22.10.13 - 29.10.13- 5.11.13 - 12.11.13 - 19.11.13 - 26.11.13 3.12.13 - 10.12.13 - 17.12.13 Finishing Weight!!! Good…
  • Kaz I know exactly what back problems are like !!! May last year I slipped playing hockey and tore one of my disks at L4 - L5 and because I spent a year with doctors and specialists telling me it was all in my head and there was nothing wrong, May this year I had another slip and ended up tearing 3 disks with a prolapse at…
  • Argh I hate being the big one aye!!!! I had my partner take some underwear photos today and what i saw made me feel so so sick ...... argh get it off me its so not who I am!! I have tickets in bass camp and I wana be able to feel comfortable to go swim in the pools there if i want lol !!! Last year it sucked cos all i…
  • Yay! Thats so do-able!! We can do this if I dropped 13kgs I would be wrapped! Lets do this ladies :)
  • Im a bit weird about logging strength training. I know that im doing it but count my cardio and any cals burnt from strength training is an extra blessing :)
  • Starting Weight 10.9.13 - 86.00kgs 17.9.13 - 24.9.13 - 1.10.13 - 8.10.13 - 15.10.13 - 22.10.13 - 29.10.13- 5.11.13 - 12.11.13 - 19.11.13 - 26.11.13 3.12.13 - 10.12.13 - 17.12.13 Finishing Weight!!!
  • Yup im coaching tam at the mo too to help her :) Im so glad you have joined up :) I was thinking god! No one wants to shred!! Im aiming for 10 but anything more is a bonus :) Doing it so I can wear togs at Rhythm and Vines haha sad aye! Dont want to be the fat chick! You def did it right! Every Tuesday or Thursday because…
  • I love Super Pump Max in Blue Raspberry but that's just me. Doesn't make me sick and tastes good. I use it to go longer in my cardio sessions works for me as a chick :) Good luck on your mission !!
  • I would like some help too! I lost 17kgs and like yourself I have put alot of it back on thinking I could do it myself. Shall we be friends and keep each other on track ?? LOL