

  • Not to be too personal - but mine does that to or did when i just used the phone app! What I eventually figured out was that MFP does not allow for water retention which happens to all us girls! Its a weird hormone thing I only know because I asked my doctor hope this helps x
  • Wow to do you masters in England! You do know the weather sucks here right? And the food well I wouldn't like to comment (actually its not that bad although I wouldn't advise the winkles!) Good luck with the wedding in three weeks I've got one coming up I will have to dig out the invitation because I forgotten when it is…
  • I might be one of those younger ones but I can still say hey and welcome and it is perfectly possible to loose weight even with a disability, my father has a debilitating condition and just by watching what he eats has allowed him to maintain his weight although it has all moved around a bit! It was his choice because he…
  • That made me think mmmm doughnuts but then I realised I don't even really like them! It amazes me that when you name a food that is bad for you and your trying to diet automatically causes you to crave them! Any tips with that? But I do love the both of the ideals in both of the quotes. x
  • Honesty this does work! I joined a while ago and lost around 10kg and I have successfully maintained this weight but due to outside circumstances I stopped counting the calories but was so much more aware of what I was putting inside my body so if I can do it so can you! Chin up.
  • I tend to do that I am a single mum and eating a small breakfast and light lunch so that I still can cook a really balanced meal for my son in the evening although I have thought about letting him have school lunches so that I can eat smaller meals throughout the day however he won't eat them because he says they are yucky!