corsig Member


  • Hashimotos fella here. My endo told me to try IF and so far I love it. With having an autoimmune disease losing weight is almost impossible without 1000% willpower, diet and exercise (for me at least). I hate that I can gain 5 pounds just by looking at a piece of cake
  • I go nuts if I forget to weight myself before I get dressed. There's times that I go back into the bathroom and get undressed to do it. I've weighed myself after peeing and it is around a .2 difference on average but every little drop mentally makes me feel better about myself so I happily take it. Honestly don't think…
  • I have the Fitbit Force and the scale synced up with MFP. I don't think I would be motivated as much without these tools that I can look at in real time. I has been the difference between losing weight and gaining it. I would be lost without them