vlr59 Member


  • I buy the 100 calorie bags of popcorn for that very reason.
  • If you really want to clean out, try what they give you before a colonoscopy. It is a combination of dulcolax and miralax. I would honestly check with a doctor, first, though. I had my second colonoscopy last December, and ever since then, my "habits" have changed, and I needed to use colace to be able to go. So be very…
  • When I was on active duty, we always worked out in the early mornings. All it did for me was tire me out. Now I am dong most of my workouts in the evenings. Part of that is b/c I sleep late during the summer, and partly b/c when I do go back to work when school starts, that is the only time of the day that I will be able…
  • Don't feel bad about going slowly. Each time you add a minute more to your workout on the devil machine is a triumph! Each pound lost is a triumph, too. Anything that is worth anything to you will usually be work.... but that just makes you appreciate it all the more. (The bunnies will be so proud of you!)
  • I find that I eat less when I exercise. On the days that I don't, I get hungry in the evening. But on the days that I do, I eat after my exercising, and then I'm much more satisfied. I don't know what I am doing differently than you, but exercising is definitely helping me to eat less. I've lost 24 pounds in just 2 months.
  • I don't suffer from either disorder, but I wanted to add my best wishes to you. I hope that you will find the help, support and encouragement that you need. (I wish I could add something to help you.) Best of luck to you!